Another cockpit in Iloilo City mulled

ILOILO City – How many cockpits should a city have?

A cockpit is being proposed in Arevalo district.

Barangay Captain Nestor Espinosa of Sto. Niño Sur, Arevalo and wife Alicia expressed intention to apply for a cockpit franchise.

The city currently has three cockpits – one each in the districts of Jaro, Mandurriao and Lapuz.

During the city council’s April 10 session, the Espinosa couple’s letter was referred to the Sanggniang Panlungsod’s committee on games and amusement chaired by Councilor Mandrie Malabor.

“We will discuss this in the committee level, said Malabor.

A public hearing may be conducted.

No cockpit currently operates in Arevalo.

July last year, the city council granted a franchise to the Lapuz cockpit – the Rockwell Lumber and Cockpit Arena.

In recommending to grant the franchise, Malabor cited Presidential Decree No. 440 or the Cockfighting Law as amended by Presidential Decree 1310 which stated that only one cockpit shall be allowed in each city or municipality, provided however, that in cities and municipalities with a population of more than 100,000, two cockpits may be established, maintained and operated in the poblacion and one in each city or town district.

“As of May 1, 2010, the city had a population of 424,619. It had 180 barangays and divided into seven administrative districts,” said Malabor.

Malabor also cited City Legal Officer Lorna Laurea’s opinion that the Sangguniang Panlungsod is, under Section 458 (3) of the Local Government Code, “duly empowered or authorized to grant another (cockpit) franchise should it find the need to do so, not only in the district of Lapuz but also in other districts of the city, considering that the population of the city is more than 500 thousand.”/PN


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