Army general likens communists to viruses

ILOILO – Communist rebels are like viruses that weaken and destroy society, according to Brigadier General Marion Sison, commander of the Philippine Army’s 301st Infantry Brigade (301IB).

“They inflict fear on society by doing extortion, forced recruitment of minors and killing of uncooperative and innocent civilians,” according to Sison.

Recently, he said, rebels shot a minor on a leg in Barangay Tacayan, Tapaz, Capiz.

“The Army assisted the family for the victim’s hospitalization,” said Sison.

He then congratulated the 12th Infantry Battalion (12IB) for “protecting the people.”

He also cited the people of Janiuay, Iloilo for providing the 12IB with “accurate and timely information” about the rebels.

On Saturday, Aug. 8, in Barangay Atimonan, Janiuay, 12IB troops clashed with rebels at around 10:48 a.m.

According to Army Major Cenon Pancito, spokesperson of the 3rd Infantry Division (3ID), the rebels – around seven men – belonged to the Baloy Platoon, Central Front, Komiteng Rehiyon-Panay and led by Ka Andoy. 

The 12IB troops under Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Jason Estrada proceeded to Barangay Atimonan after receiving a tip from villagers about the presence of rebels in their area.

Pancito said the clash lasted for some 20 minutes. The rebels withdrew deep into the mountains. 

“The information received by the 12IB from the community showed that the Army enjoyed the people’s trust and confidence,” said Pancito.

Recovered from the clash site were an M16 rifle, an AK47, a carbine, bullets, magazines, printer, subversive documents, detonating wires, rice, tester, hammock,  pairs of  boots, a cooking pot, assorted propaganda materials, and other personal items. 

Pancito said no soldier was hurt in the clash./PN


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