Injured sea turtle rescued but didn’t make it

CENRO Bago City staff assists and checks the wound on the hind part of the turned over Olive ridley sea turtle.
CENRO Bago City staff assists and checks the wound on the hind part of the turned over Olive ridley sea turtle.

A FISHERMAN turned over to Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) in Bago City an injured Olive ridley sea turtle he found in the waters of Barangay Central Tabao, Valladolid, Negros Occidental, recently.

The sea turtle sustained wound on its tail, right hind leg was amputated, has penile prolapse, and broken carapace at hind part. It underwent veterinary check-up and consultation wherein its feeding behavior and response were monitored and its wounds were treated with antiseptic wound spray, but two days after the turnover, it died.

The said sea turtle weighed approximately 20 kilograms, has a curved carapace length of 48 centimeters and curved carapace width of 56 centimeters.

Olive ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelysolivacea), considered vulnerable by the International Union of Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List, are protected under the Republic Act 9147, or the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001.

“Sea turtles help maintain a healthy marine ecosystem. It is important to protect and conserve them. Although we had recorded another one loss, initiatives on its protection and conservation are evidently seen as more fishermen and concerned coastal residents turnovers of sea turtles are reported. Let’s continue to save these wildlife species,” said Department of Environment and Natural Resources regional executive director Francisco E. Milla, Jr.

Enhanced Biodiversity Conservation is among the top 10 priority programs and projects of Environment Secretary Roy A. Cimatu. (DENR-6)


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