Philippine College of Physicians issues letter of clarification to Duterte

Your quick response on this matter was highly appreciated and the additional help you have promised our ranks will go a long way but as a rejoinder, we would like to make it clear that our call for a stricter lockdown is not only to give reprieve to our tireless health workforce but mainly to assure the highest quality of care needed for the moderate to critically III patients we expect to rise in number when the health system becomes less than ideal.

Sadly, we were taken aback and surprised when you highlighted in your address to the nation last night that we are indispensable but not irreplaceable so we beg your indulgence and allow us to rectify this impression. If you closely review the virtual conference on Aug. 1,

There was never a call for a revolt nor was there any threat of leaving patients on their own since our oath instructs us to first do no harm to anyone who needs our help.

By training and our reserved nature, the likes of us are not used to giving out demands or ultimatums but if our requests and observations were taken as an assertive display of Indignation, we apologize for the way the message was taken in a negative light.

It was not the intention of the media forum to humiliate the administration and the IATF. The call was for the DOH and IATF to provide the HCWs a fighting chance in the war against COVID and prevent unnecessary fatalities.

In this letter, we highlighted the importance of having healthy and COVID-free caregivers so we can allay anxiety and boost the morale of the frontliners when they face uncertainty and this can only be made possible if they are tested periodically.

Three months have passed since that time and after other requests like quarantine facilities for HCW, insurance coverage, and protection from verbal castigation and physical violence to name a few have been left unanswered, we patiently held on as soldiers in battle.

These valid requests if they were granted early on would have made our harrowing experiences bearable but for some unexplained reason, it was left unheeded by the IATF and DOH.

We bear no III will and have acted without malice towards the implementers of the law and the Bayanihan as one goal but our empty cries had to be made known somehow.

If we just knew that your office was not briefed in detail about the situation of our workers in both government and private hospitals, we would have sought a private audience with you to settle these issues and made things clear and right.

By our long history with the DOH, we have been supportive of the government and as a matter of fact, formed a partnership with DOH in disseminating educational materials to both the medical field and community during these past four months. Our society has also worked indirectly with LGUs and members of the ATE ever since the beginning of the campaign as a consultative body on matters of science.

Going forward, we are glad that your office is open to suggestions and that you prioritize the safety of our health care workers. Similar to your wish, we also pray that the COVID vaccines become available sooner than later.

With you and all the Filipinos in our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.


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