ROXAS City – Twelve municipalities in the province of Capiz have established the “Balay Silangan” for Persons Who Use Drugs (PWUDs) in their respective localities.
According to the Capiz Police Provincial Office (CPPO), these reformation centers, which serve as temporary shelters for drug offenders to become self-sufficient and law-abiding members of society, are located in Dao, Cuartero, Dumarao, Ivisan, Jamindan, Maayon, Mambusao, Panitan, President Roxas, Sapian, Sigma, and Tapaz towns.
The first drug offenders’ reformation center in the province was established in Tapaz in 2019.
General interventions like physical activities, counseling, moral recovery, values formation, and personal and life skills, among others, are provided at the center as mandated under the program.
Police Captain Rile Villariez Jr., spokesperson for CPPO, said Balay Silangan is among the requirements for compliance by a local government unit (LGU) to be declared a drug-cleared town or city.
As of this month, Dao and Jamindan towns have already been declared as drug-cleared. (With a report from Philippine Information Agency)/PN