35 Antique PWDs assessed for free prosthesis

This person with disability gets assessed by a health officer in order to be given free prosthesis. The two- day prosthesis assessment activity was done through the initiative of Gov. Rhodora Cadiao. PSWDO-ANTIQUE
This person with disability gets assessed by a health officer in order to be given free prosthesis. The two- day prosthesis assessment activity was done through the initiative of Gov. Rhodora Cadiao. PSWDO-ANTIQUE

SAN JOSE, Antique – Some 35 persons with disabilities (PWDs) in this capital town were assessed by the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (PARM) and the Veteran Memorial Medical Center (VMMC) so that they can be given free prosthesis.

Dr. Faith Legaspi-Sorrilla, a PARM physiatrist, said in an interview that along with VMMC technicians, they have assessed and measured the PWDs that will be provided prosthesis during the two-day activity that started last Feb. 27.

“Most of the PWDs who were assessed had their below the knee or above the knee amputations and needed to have the prosthetic,” she said.

She also added that many of those amputees were victims of road crashes, while some are diabetic, among others.

“There were also those that had congenital anomalies, said Sorilla.

For his part, Paolo Castillo, head of the Provincial Disability Affairs Office in this region, which is under the Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office, said that they are grateful for the free prosthetics.

“Through the help of the officers of the Association of the Persons with Disability, we were able to inform the PWDs to avail of the services from the PARM and the VMMC,” he said.

According to him, it was the initiative of Gov. Rhodora Cadiao to partner with VMMC, who sent its two technicians for the activity.

The beneficiaries will get their prosthetics after two months.(With a report from PNA/PN)


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