50 years of service and helping abused children, 2


AT THE Preda homes, boys and girls alike feel respected and treated as intelligent and are affirmed as good. They continue their education and are taught their rights and dignity as humans, citizens, and children of God. There is no scolding or punishment; disputes are resolved in a family meeting.

The homes for boys and girls are in different locations. All are encouraged to develop their talents and abilities. They constantly receive positive affirmation, reinforcement and spiritual values. They are encouraged to believe that goodness can overcome and defeat negativity. All their needs are provided. They eat healthy meals several times a day. Our Emotional Release Therapy helps restore their self-respect and dignity. In sessions using this therapy, those undergoing it release and deal with all their pain and trauma caused by the sexual, physical and psychological abuse they suffered.

Many success stories

One of them was Albert, an emotionally troubled boy from a broken home. He found acceptance and understanding at the Preda home. He eventually confronted the deep internal pain and suffering he felt and let them out during therapy. As a result, he was healed, became strong-minded and determined to succeed in life. He went on to study aeromechanics in an engineering school and graduated as a highly skilled aero mechanic. Today, he is a very successful, well-placed aero inspection engineer and businessman. He is one of Preda’s many success stories.

The Preda home for abused and trafficked girls was opened in 1996. As many as 1,400 girls between 6 and 17 years old have been healed and empowered there, thanks in part to the foundation’s affirmation, understanding and Emotional Release Therapy. They found the courage to file charges against their abusers, testify in court and have the offenders convicted. Twenty convictions, on average are secured every year from just judges, freeing the girls from living in fear and allowing them to lead independent lives.

Saving and healing teenage girls who fall victim to human trafficking poses the greatest challenge to restoring their dignity and self-worth. They are forced to do sex work by their traffickers or bar owners. These girls’ parents are sometimes held in debt bondage with no escape. They have been robbed of dignity and self-worth. They can be saved and healed, too, if authorities stop protecting the traffickers.

One of them was Juanita. She was raped by her biological father when she was 14. She fled to the streets, was trafficked and landed in a sex bar in Angeles City. After Preda’s social workers rescued her, they paid her debts and brought her to Preda. She worried about her younger siblings, so one day, she left to help them. Sadly, she invited two other girls from Preda to go with her. They were victims of domestic sexual abuse. We feared they would be trafficked into the sex bars.

We went to Angeles City immediately to look for the girls. We printed photos of them, called “Missing Children,” passed them to tricycle drivers and posted them on shop windows. That was enough to deter traffickers. The children saw the posters and, having stayed with relatives, returned to Preda voluntarily.

After returning to Preda, they underwent Emotional Release Therapy. They soon recovered and felt empowered. Juanita filed a case against her biological father, who went into hiding. He was smarter than the police, eluding them like thousands of other suspected child rapists. As for Juanita, with Preda’s help, she attended college, graduated, found a job, and now helps her mother and siblings. She is now a strong public speaker at Preda seminars.

After 50 years, the work of the Preda Foundation continues. The children continue attaining justice in court. Everyone can report child abuse to Preda for immediate action./PN


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