DESPITE everything you have heard about me, I’m really pretty easy to get along with.
Provided that you know what you are talking about.
Provided that you are not an idiot.
Which means, that you must agree with what I have to say most of the time.
Or, you simply surrender at least 51% of your life, your belief system, your opinion, to whatever crap I serve you.
The thing is, I think seriously about Life.
Even if I appear, or sound, flippant on the page.
Even when I joke, I don’t joke lightly.
My jokes are very funny because they are pretty meaningful.
My jokes are loaded.
But you have to be really, really smart to understand them.
You have to have some brain to get my meaning.
I’m a very introspective person.
And because I practice introspection everyday, all the time, it has become pretty automatic for me.
Thus, introspection becomes Peter Solis Nery.
Or, Peter Solis Nery becomes introspection.
Which means, more often than not, there is no one move, or decision, that I regret in the things I do, or did, or will do.
To be completely honest, it is fair to say that I haven’t really regretted anything I’ve done in the last five years.
Okay, maybe ten years, if you believe in bigger life strokes.
But for the sake of argument, let’s just take the last five years.
In the name of all things holy, I have lived happy the way I wanted in the last five years.
I am a content, happy, loving person.
Losing a husband—been there, done that.
Enjoying a sexual binge right after widowhood—been there, done that.
Asserting my right to have sex the way I want it—been there, done that… always!
Demanding for the things I can afford—been there, done that.
Forgiving others for their “crimes of ignorance and stupidity” committed against me—been there, done that.
I’ve detoxed myself of important familial relationships if they tended to weigh me down.
I have no respect for elders who have no sense of self-respect.
I don’t believe in seniority.
Even in my family.
Especially in my family!
If you think you are better than I only because you are more advanced in years, or have crawled on the planet longer than a day, or fifty years ahead of me, you can go to tell.
And I won’t even see you there.
Because smart people who think like me go to heaven.
Or, at least, we, smart ones, know how to get there.
And arrogant idiots like you go to hell.
It’s important that you are smart if you want to compete with me.
And for you to be smart, you must agree with me most of the time.
Or, at least, 51% of the time.
Because if you don’t, I don’t want to be even in the same room with you.
I don’t want you to pollute my air space with your stinky ignorance.
I don’t waste my time on dumb losers who cannot agree with me at least 51% of the time.
The only way you are going to get respect from me, if you really crave for it, is to understand that all beauty and goodness comes from God.
And while God is beautiful in chaos and suffering, God is most beautiful in order and reason.
Thus, the supremacy of reason and intelligence as far as I’m concerned.
And I’m talking more than just academic and intellectual intelligence here.
Because, frankly, my dear, I don’t believe in your PhD if it doesn’t benefit the world.
Or, if it doesn’t become you.
I don’t have a PhD; I have godliness, and I don’t mean just a religiosity.
I have what works.
I have what satisfies my human and divine soul.
The problem with most people is that they don’t think.
Or, if they pretend that they do, they don’t think high or deep enough.
Seriously, have you ever thought about that?
Is it think high?
Or, think deep?
No, sweetheart.
It’s ‘think highly’. And ‘think deeply’. With the ‘-ly’ suffix.
And really now.
Just what did you really see just now? Hmmm…
So, you understand now why some of you are idiots?
Here’s the thing: I consider myself smarter than most because everyday, I face my computer, almost like a prayer, and write my thoughts out like this.
And in true prayerful fashion, I talk to you as I talk honestly to God when I type the words.
And my God is not stupid.
Unlike some people who think so. (To be continued) (