‘Make Boracay sandcastle ordinance more responsive’

Municipal Ordinance No. 246 series of 2007 prohibits the creation of sandcastles in Boracay Island for the purpose of making it a photo backdrop with fee. AKLAN FORUM JOURNAL

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February 8, 2018

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Municipal Ordinance No. 246 series of 2007 prohibits the creation of sandcastles in Boracay Island for the purpose of making it a photo backdrop with fee. AKLAN FORUM JOURNAL

BORACAY – Local legislators must revisit the ordinance regulating sandcastle making in this world-famous island, according to Malay Executive Officer V Rowen Aguirre.

Aguirre said the ordinance must be made more responsive to safeguard the beaches in the island.

Sandcastles are one of the tourist drawers in Boracay. But Municipal Ordinance No. 246 prohibits the creation of sandcastles for the purpose of making it a photo backdrop with fee.

The ordinance was passed in 2007.

It only allows the creation of sandcastles for “promotional or special” events provided that organizers have secured a mayor’s permit.

These sandcastles must only be built “within the 6-meter stretch from the edge of the vegetation area towards the beach,” the ordinance stated.

The organizers of the event must also pay a regulatory fee worth P100 per square meter daily.

The ordinance was created because the “unregulated commercial activity (sandcastle making) tinkers with the natural terrain of the beach, resulting to prolonged presence of irregular contours which affect the natural symmetry of the beach.”

There is an ongoing crackdown on illegal sandcastle makers in Boracay.

Despite this, the municipal government and the Boracay Tourist Assistance Center are still receiving complaints from tourists.

Some children who are making sandcastles are asking “donation” from tourists, the complaints stated. The children are also involved in some petty crimes.

“Sandcastle making is a lucrative business in Boracay. Datiangmgamatatandaanggumagawa.Ngayon, angmgabata, or minors, naanggumagawang sandcastles. Parang may sindikatona,” Aguirre said.

Aguirre believes that the Sangguniang Bayan (SB) must consider reviewing the ordinance for possible amendments.

Violators of the ordinance are meted with P2,500 penalty for the first offense.

“On the second and subsequent offenses, an additional penalty of no less than 30 days of imprisonment shall be imposed, depending on the discretion of the court,” the ordinance stated.

SB member Floribar Bautista said the municipal government must tap the watchmen, or tanods, of barangays Manoc-manoc and Balabag to augment the municipal auxiliary police (MAPs) assigned in Boracay.

There are currently 34 MAPs in the island. They are divided into three groups.

Some are assigned to patrol the White Beach and Puka Beach. The others are assigned to manage traffic and yet some are a part of the engineering and quick reaction unit.

Aguirre also said the municipal government must employ additional police auxiliary to help in enforcing local ordinances. (With a report from Aklan Forum Journal/PN)



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