Paolo Duterte, Mans Carpio slap Trillanes with libel rap

Presidential son Paolo Duterte (left) and his brother-in-law Manases Carpio lodge a libel charge against Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV after the lawmaker claimed they extorted money from ride-sharing firm Uber and other firms. GMA NEWS

MANILA – President Rodrigo Duterte’s son and son-in-law have filed a libel charge against Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV.

In their complaint filed in Davao City on Friday, Paolo Duterte and Manases Carpio alleged that Trillanes made a defamatory publication against them in a radio interview, saying that they extorted money from ride-sharing firm Uber and other firms regulated by the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board, the Road Board and the Department of Public Works and Highways.

“I was aghast to hear the respondent maliciously accusing me and my brother-in-law, Atty. Manases Carpio, of supposed rampant and widespread corruption and extortion based on sheer information fed to him, the identity of whom however he did not identify or disclose. Respondent’s accusations against me and Atty. Carpio are downright false, unfounded and based on hearsay information,” Paolo wrote in the complaint.

He added that Trillanes’ accusation was “intended to malign and destroy my good name and reputation.”

“This is especially so as I am the eldest son of our sitting President Rodrigo Duterte,” Paolo stressed.

Prior to this accusation, Trillanes tagged Paolo of being a member of a triad smuggling drugs in the country.

He also claimed Paolo had a hand in the entry of P6.4 billion shabu shipment in the country last year./PN


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