State policy

IN PLAIN language and simple understanding, while a policy is an avowed line of conduct, a State is a self-governing nation.

It is wherefore a serious flaw if a given policy is precisely understood as something else which is wherefore a de fact State counter-policy.

There is also something fundamentally wrong when a State becomes but a puppet of a bigger State for business purposes.

Human history is filled with duly recorded big chaos and gross events when a policy becomes a non-policy. Such is guaranteed social perplexity if not trouble, resentment or even worst such as dissension or cessation even.

In the case of a State, this in effect becomes anything else but what it is supposed to be, viz., when a State not only welcomes but even invites and protects foreign interventions – such as in form of the invasion of multinational Pharmaceutical Corporation.

“State Policy: The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.” (Phil. Constitution: Section 12)

The State despises the sacredness of family life and shall destroy the family as a basic institutional trouble. It shall likewise wage a militant stance not only against the life of the mother but also against the life of the unborn from the start of conception.

Above previously quoted is a noble and ennobling State Policy of this independent and sovereign Country. Above subsequently state could be considered its version with the advent of the so-called “Reproductive Health” – which is precisely contra-reproduction and/or anti-health as exactly the end-products of artificial contraceptives.

And there is these pending bills in the Philippine Congress about divorce and same-sex marriage.

Let it be said that the eminent and sublime root meaning and message of Christmas can be plainly and briefly said by way of tripod: One, the conception of a child. Two, the celebration of motherhood. Three, the birth of the Jesus./PN


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