Healthy alternative to fish sauce

FOLLOWING the increasing demand for healthier food and food ingredients, a low-salt fermented mussel sauce was developed by the University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV).

Initially branded as “Patis Tahong,” this condiment or dipping sauce is made from fermented green mussels (Perna viridis).

As an alternative to the usual fermented fish patis, it can be used to add flavor to different dishes, soup preparations, as well as a traditional “sawsawan” or dipping sauce.

It was claimed that Patis Tahong has the potential of being a functional food and food ingredient.

Functional foods are foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition.

Aside from being low in salt, Patis Tahong is all-natural and has no artificial coloring, preservatives, or monosodium glutamate.

Being its main ingredient, mussel is high in protein, amino acids, zinc, calcium, and iron – it is also low in fat, cholesterol, and calories.

The production of the Patis Tahong is the result of the Mussel Sauce Project which was funded by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD).

The project was led by Ernestina M. Peralta of the Institute of Fish Processing Technology of UPV.

During a Consumer Acceptability Testing, the product drew positive responses for its odor, taste, and consumers’ willingness to patronize.

The low-salt mussel fermented sauce therefore has a market potential due to its product attributes.

The development of this product can also address a specific market niche requiring low-salt seasoning but superior to industrially produced fish sauce.

It also has a promising competitive edge or at par with premium fish sauce brands.

The production of low-salt fermented mussel sauce can also provide an alternative livelihood in times of low demand for fresh mussel.

Green mussel is abundantly found in the country and is considered as an important farming commodity in many coastal areas.

Due to positive developments, the DOST-PCAARRD has expressed its commitment to assist in increasing the competitiveness of the mussel industry.

Through the DOST-PCAARRD’s Mussel Industry Strategic S&T Program (ISP), efforts towards the development of processing and production technologies are being conducted to enable farmers to produce quality and safe cultured and processed mussel products.

It can be noted that low production of green mussels due to inadequate supply of spats or seeds has been a perennial problem in the country.

Earlier, the UPV launched the Mussel Hatchery Project thru the funding of the DOST-PCAARRD to address such concern.

Further development and refinement work on hatchery and nursery techniques towards the establishment of seed production technology of Perna viridis are underway throughout the country.

On the other hand, the longline technology was also recommended because this method for mussel production is cost-effective in producing high quality mussel, provides higher return of investment, more production, and is more environmental-friendly.

Specific growth rate of green mussel cultured in longline was significantly higher than those cultured in stakes, and it allowed for faster growth and attainment of marketable size. (


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