SAN JOSE, Antique – Gov. Rhodora Cadiao of this province welcomed the Department of Education‘s (DepEd) decision to defer the opening of classes.
Cadiao said pushing the date of opening of schools from Aug. 24 to Oct. 5 would give teachers more time to prepare, considering there would be no face-to-face classroom classes yet.
Pandan mayor Plaridel Sanchez also supports DepEd’s decision to postpone the classes.
He said teachers in his municipality are still having difficulties in preparing the learning materials of their students, and the schools in this province which were used as isolation facilities need disinfecting.
It was Executive Secretary Salvador Medialdea who issued the memorandum on the postponement of the opening of schools.
“Please be informed that pursuant to the instructions of President Rodrigo Duterte and as recommended by the DepEd, the opening of classes is deferred to 05 October 2020,” read part of the memorandum dated Aug. 14.
Under Republic Act (RA) 11480, President Rodrigo Duterte, upon recommendation of the Secretary of Education, has the power to set at any date the opening of classes in the entire Philippines or in selected affected areas in times of state of calamity or emergency.
RA 11480 amended RA 7797, which set the opening of classes as early as the first Monday of June but not later than the last day of August.
The measure covers all basic education schools, including foreign or international schools in the Philippines. It also allows the conduct of Saturday classes for elementary and secondary levels.(With a report from PNA/PN)