US Chess Championships: Wesley beats Xiong, pads lead

Wesley So continued his excellent form at the 2020 US Chess Championships, scoring 2½ points in Rounds 7 to 9 including the defeat of closest foe Jeffery Xiong, to increase his lead to a full point going to the last two rounds of the Category 17 (average Elo: 2666) event.

The top three frontrunners – Wesley, Xiong and Ray Robson – continued their domination of the competition, and have further pulled away from the rest of the field. Leinier Dominguez Perez and Hikaru Nakamura, the second and third seeds respectively who were initially thought to provide Wesley the toughest opposition, continue to struggle and are definitely out of the championship race. Wesley’s run is truly impressive, playing so far at an Elo 2997 tournament performance rating. Xiong and Robson are equally performing well with tournament performance ratings of Elo 2896 and 2877, respectively.

Standings after Round 9: 1. So, 8; 2-3. Xiong, Robson, 7; 4-5. Dominguez Perez, Shankland, 4½; 6-8. Sevian,  Nakamura, Liang, 4; 9-10. Swiercz, 2; Lenderman, 3; 11-12. Ramirez, Moradiabadi, 2½.

Xiong, J (2709)-Nakamura, H (2736) [B08] (7.1) 2020

1.e4 g6 2.d4 d6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 Bg7 5.Be3 c6 6.Qd2 b5 7.Bd3 Nbd7 8.h3 e5 9.dxe5 dxe5 10.a4 b4 11.Ne2 a5 12.c3 c5 13.0-0 0-0 14.Ng3 Bb7 15.Rfd1 Qe7 16.Rac1 Rfc8 17.cxb4 cxb4 18.Bc4 Nf8 19.Qd6 Qxd6 20.Rxd6 Rc7 21.Rb6 Re8 22.Ng5 Ba8 23.Ra6 Bb7 24.Rxa5 Ba8 25.Bb3 Rd7 26.Ra6 h6 27.Nxf7 Rxf7 28.Bxf7+ Kxf7 29.Rc7+ Kg8 30.Rca7 Bxe4 31.Rxf6 Bxf6 32.Nxe4 Bd8 33.Ra8 Ne6 1-0

Moradiabadi, E (2555)-So, Wesley (2770) [A13] (8.5) 2020

1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 d5 4.Bg2 d4 5.0-0 c5 6.e3 Nc6 7.exd4 cxd4 8.d3 Bd6 9.Bg5 h6 10.Bxf6 Qxf6 11.a3 a5 12.Nbd2 Qe7 13.Rc1 0-0 14.Re1 a4 15.Qc2 Rd8 16.Ne4 Bc7 17.c5 Bd7 18.Nfd2 Na5 19.Nc4 Nb3 20.Ned6 Nxc1 21.Qxc1 Bxd6 22.cxd6 Qg5 23.f4 Qc5 24.Bxb7 Rab8 25.Re5 Qa7 26.Be4 Bb5 27.f5 exf5 28.Qf4 Bxc4 29.Qxf5 g6 30.Qf6 Qb6 31.dxc4 Rxd6 32.Qf4 d3+ 33.c5 d2 0-1

Xiong, J (2709)-Robson, R (2673) [C45] (8.6) 2020

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nxc6 bxc6 6.Bd3 d5 7.Qe2 dxe4 8.Nc3 Bb4 9.Bxe4 0-0 10.Bxc6 Rb8 11.0-0 Qd6 12.Bb5 Ng4 13.g3 Qc5 14.Bd3 Bxc3 15.bxc3 Ne5 16.Ba3 Qxa3 17.Qxe5 Be6 18.Rfe1 Qd6 19.a4 Rfd8 20.Rad1 Qc6 21.Bb5 Qb7 22.Rd4 g6 23.Rh4 Qf3 24.Rf4 Qb7 25.Qf6 c6 26.Bd3 Re8 27.Bxg6 fxg6 28.Rxe6 c5 29.Qe5 Qd7 30.Rxe8+ Rxe8 31.Qxc5 Qd1+ 32.Kg2 Qxc2 33.Qxa7 Qb3 34.Qd7 Ra8 35.c4 Qxa4 36.Qe6+ Kh8 37.Rf7 Qa1 38.Qe7 Kg8 39.Rxh7 Rf8 40.Rh4 Qa8+ 41.Qe4 Qa6 42.Qd5+ Kg7 43.Qe5+ Rf6 44.Rf4 Qa8+ 45.Kg1 Qf8 46.Qxf6+ Qxf6 47.Rxf6 1-0

Robson, R (2673)-Nakamura, H (2736) [B42] (9.1) 2020

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Bd3 Nf6 6.0-0 Qc7 7.Qe2 d6 8.c4 Nbd7 9.Nc3 Ne5 10.f4 Nxd3 11.Qxd3 Be7 12.b3 0-0 13.Bb2 b6 14.Rae1 Bb7 15.Kh1 Nd7 16.f5 Nc5 17.Qg3 Bf6 18.Ndb5 axb5 19.Nd5 exd5 20.Bxf6 g6 21.Qh4 Nd7 22.Be7 f6 23.fxg6 hxg6 24.Bxf8 Rxf8 25.exd5 Ne5 26.Rxf6 Qe7 27.Rxf8+ Qxf8 28.Kg1 bxc4 29.bxc4 Ba6 30.Re4 Qf5 31.Qd8+ Qf8 32.Qc7 g5 33.h3 Qf5 34.Re1 Bxc4 35.Qxd6 Nf7 36.Qxb6 g4 37.hxg4 Qxd5 38.a4 Qd7 39.Qg6+ Kf8 40.Qf6 Qxa4 41.g5 Qa7+ 42.Kh1 Qa6 43.Qd4 Bd3 44.Ra1 Qg6 45.Ra8+ Ke7 46.Ra7+ Kf8 47.Ra8+ Ke7 48.Qc5+ Qd6 49.Ra7+ Ke6 50.Qc8+ Ke5 51.Qe8+ Kf4 52.Qxf7+ Kg4 53.Qd7+ Qxd7 54.Rxd7 Bf5 55.Rg7 Bb1 56.Kg1 Bf5 57.Kf2 Bb1 58.Ke3 Bc2 59.Rc7 Bf5 60.g6 Bxg6 61.Rg7 Kf5 62.Rxg6 Kxg6 63.Kf4 1-0

So, Wesley (2770)-Xiong, J (2709) [B33] (9.2) 2020

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 e5 6.Ndb5 d6 7.Bg5 a6 8.Na3 b5 9.Nd5 Be7 10.Bxf6 Bxf6 11.c3 Bg5 12.Nc2 Rb8 13.a3 0-0 14.h4 Bh6 15.g4 Bf4 16.Qf3 Bb7 17.g5 Re8 18.Nxf4 exf4 19.0-0-0 b4 20.axb4 Nxb4 21.Nxb4 Bxe4 22.Qxf4 Rxb4 23.Bd3 Bxh1 24.Qxb4 Bf3 25.Rd2 d5 26.Bxa6 h6 27.gxh6 Re4 28.Qc5 Rxh4 29.Qc8 Qxc8 30.Bxc8 Rxh6 31.Bb7 Rh5 32.b4 Kf8 33.Kb2 Rf5 34.Kb3 Ke7 35.Ka4 g5 36.b5 Rf4+ 37.Ka5 Kd6 38.b6 Rc4 39.Rd3 Rc5+ 40.Kb4 Rc4+ 41.Kb3 Rf4 42.c4 Kc5 43.cxd5 Rb4+ 44.Kc3 Rxb6 45.d6 Rxb7 46.d7 Rxd7 47.Rxd7 f5 48.Kd3 Be4+ 49.Ke3 g4 50.Kf4 Kc6 51.Rf7 Kd6 52.Rxf5 1-0





The key to our last problem is 1.Bf6!, and Black’s futile options are: 1…Sd7/xa6/xc6 2.R(x)d7#; 1…Bxe7 2.Sxe7#; 1…exf5 2.Sf6#; 1…c4 2.Ra5#; 1…d3, Se4 2.Bxe6#; 1…Sc4/b3/b1/f1 2.Qxf3#./PN


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