THE NEVER-ending – well, until Jan. 20 – presidential denial of the US election outcome is getting more extreme each day as each court case fails.
The latest from a Donald Trump interview is, “This is total fraud and how – the FBI and Department of Justice – I don’t know, maybe they’re involved.”
Surely, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and DOJ are beyond reproach, as their basic purpose is to protect America and its way of life. They serve the President and the country, irrelevant of who it is.
The 1960’s TV portal of the FBI starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr. may have been over the top, but the good guys are still working for the FBI and the country, not against it.
Shame, President Trump!
Dog gone news
One of the big news items of the week was that Joe Biden has hurt his foot playing with his dog. Seemingly a trivial event but it does show a few positive matters; the next US President is human, he likes animals as have most presidents, and he is fallible and can admit it.
Someone once said, “Don’t trust a person that doesn’t like dogs” and the sentiment is still valid as many families involve a couple of people, a few children and then a few pets to complete the family. It is pleasing to see the US presidency returning to a more normal state and the future now looks rosier.
Woof, woof! (Doggie for oops, sorry!)
Share the joy
The Japan 2021 Olympics may be a little different from previous ones, or at least the beds the participants will sleep in.
The beds will be long at 2.1 meters but they will be lonely as they are single beds. It appears that previously, Olympians haven’t been so lonely based on the number of condoms supplied. They were originally supplied as a response to the spread of HIV, with 8,391 athletes at the 1988 Seoul Olympics given 8,000 (or slightly less than one per person) so some sharing was assumed.
By the 2016 Rio Games, the number of condoms increased to 42 per competitor and yet some sharing was assumed.
Although the numbers are perhaps amusing, and the purpose sensible, why are condoms only available for Olympians, many of whom are wealthy? The need of so many people for medical, food, health and shelter support is obvious but few governments have made any real attempts or had any success to help their citizens and yet athletes, especially the successful ones, are provided with many resources, even recreational ones.
There is also the flippant suggestion that they might want more top-level athletes.
Let the Olympians enjoy their recreation opportunities but consider spreading the generosity of health product availability to all that need it.
Pardon me, please!
With the US presidential pardoning of Michael Flynny, and previously a Turkey named Corn, who will be the next to be pardoned?
There could be family, friends, co-workers or technically every person in prison.
The family option is not new as Bill Clinton pardoned his brother, Roger.
The real question is who will or can pardon President Trump if they wish to?
There is some doubt as to whether he could pardon himself and waiting for the incoming President Biden to issue pardons might be risky.
President Trump could take a day off, by “illness” and Vice President Mike Pence could then fill in and pardon Trump.
Of course, this is only a theoretical possibility and surely there is no need to pardon anyone else.
0-0-0 and rejoice
For those that doubt the value of compulsory masks and a heavy lock down, today Victoria, Australia with a population of over six million had a 0, 0, 0 day – 0 deaths, 0 new infections and finally 0 active cases of the virus.
Don’t think – ACT! (dfitzger@melbpc.org.au/PN)