Pag-IBIG Fund finances homes of 16,975 low-wage workers in 2020

Pag-IBIG Fund financed socialized housing loans of 16,975 members belonging to  the minimum-wage and low-income sectors in 2020 despite the pandemic, its top  executives said on Thursday (February 11). 

Socialized housing loans represent 27% of the 63,750 units financed by the agency,  and amount to P7.18 billion out of the P63.75 billion in total housing loans it  released last year.  

“Pag-IBIG Fund’s Affordable Housing Loan Program offers the lowest rate and longest  term for minimum and low-wage workers. Even as the pandemic posed numerous  challenges last year, we were still able to provide many of our workers belonging to  this sector the means to acquire their own homes, under the most affordable  terms. This is our way of adhering to President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s directive to  government institutions to provide programs that serve the needs of the underserved  sector,” said Secretary Eduardo D. del Rosario, Chairperson of the Department of  Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) and the 11-member Pag-IBIG  Fund Board of Trustees. 

Pag-IBIG Fund’s Affordable Housing Program offers a subsidized rate of 3% per  annum for members earning not more than P15,000 per month within the National  Capital Region, and not more than Php 12,000 per month for members outside of  NCR, who will buy socialized housing units. Under the program, members can  borrow up to PHP 580,000 to buy socialized houses, or up to PHP 750,000 for  socialized condominium units, at 3% per annum, a special rate provided to minimum  and low-wage workers since May 2017.  

The loan program also features a 100% loan-to-value ratio allowing borrowers to  enjoy equity-free purchase of housing units. 

According to Pag-IBIG Fund Chief Executive Officer Acmad Rizaldy P. Moti, the  agency is able to keep offering the lowest interest rate in the market because of its  tax-exempt status provided under Republic Act No. 9679. 

“Pag-IBIG Fund is able to subsidize the low interest rate that minimum and low-wage  workers enjoy under our Affordable Housing Loan Program being a tax-exempt  agency, as prescribed under our charter. We are happy that the new CREATE bill  seeks to continue to preserve this tax-exempt status of Pag-IBIG Fund, and thus  allow us to continue offering these subsidized rates. We are grateful to our  lawmakers who share our vision to make homeownership attainable, especially for  the underserved sector. And, as we continue to face challenges imposed by the  pandemic, we shall continue doing our best to help more low-income workers secure  their own homes where they can be safe,” said Moti.


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