Called out

THE AUSTRALIAN Open tennis tournament is using the new hawk-eye electronic line-calling system rather than line umpires, a sensible move given COVID restrictions although there is the possibility of an unexpected option beyond out and fault, advertisements.

Advertisements in papers and on TV are a regular part of life and there are so many logos on players’ uniforms that surely enough brand names are out there for anyone to want but apparently no.

The line calling system may now call out “Buy Brand X” or “Brand Y will make your skin glow” or, if it is connected by Wi-Fi, there are many other messages that an enthusiastic hacker could call out and have heard by the whole world.

This could be the new version of Trump Twitter posts now that his voice is silenced for a while.

Again, a good use of science that can be misused and abused by big business.


Are you essential?
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us who is essential and sometimes it is surprising.

The more obvious people are anyone involved with medical services, first responders and food distribution employees.

Some of what could be considered second level essential people would include journalists, public transport, some manufacturing jobs and even liquor sellers.

But the list in Australia also includes tennis players, well at least the professional ones competing in the Australian Open.

The only obvious essential component of the tennis professionals is the financial one, with the amount of money that has been paid for TV rights and advertisements.

Teachers aren’t really considered essential although as a retired teacher I can say that view preceded the pandemic times.

Really, the list should only include those that keep us safe and healthy. (


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