At best it’s only good for press release

INDEED at best, that so-called International Criminal Court (ICC) investigation is only good for press release. Nothing will really happen simply because the ICC has no jurisdiction over the Philippines (we are not a member), the Philippines will not cooperate with the ICC, and the ICC cannot enforce it as it has no police powers or police force.

It is as empty as that so-called “West Philippine Sea” arbitration case award and just as useless as the piece of paper it was printed on. It cannot be enforced.

The manner that the ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda came about with her report that recommended to the pre-trial chamber that the Philippine government should be investigated for crimes against humanity was as dubious as the hygiene of toilet seats in cheap motels.

Bensouda needs to learn a thing or two about law as all her evidence in that report were articles from Rappler, Inquirer and ABS-CBN. If I’m not mistaken, in law newspaper articles are considered hearsay.

Perhaps a word or two with proper lawyers Dan Cartagena and Rodolfo Cabado would bring her down to size, and she would learn a thing or two what prosecution is all about and not persecution.

As I’ve said in a previous column, since day one the so-called opposition, “devotees to the cult of the yellow ribbon”, pseudo communists, wokes and the rest of the idiots that make up the three percent have been focused on bringing President Duterte down.

To date they have all failed. He is as popular as ever, even more, and they are fully aware that whoever he anoints as presidential candidate will most probably win.

On top of that is the fact that his daughter Sara, current Davao City mayor, has been topping all legitimate presidential surveys with huge margins, and to think she has not even said she is going to run for president, and neither did President Duterte said she will.

Compare that with Vice President Leni Robredo who spent the last five years in self-promotion as the so-called opposition’s leader yet consistently manages to land at the tail-end of all legitimate presidential surveys.

It is indeed terrifying and unsettling for the three percent that they are in all probability faced with the stark reality of another Duterte as president for the next six years. They are desperate as all their stunts failed. The latest the 1Sambayan fiasco only succeeded in making fools of themselves and Antonio Carpio as a bumbling clown.

So with elections looming and the prospects for them are literally the worst, they’re playing their last card – the ICC investigation with the hope that by harassing Duterte they can still bring him down.

Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us the 97 percent, nothing will happen. As I said, at best it’s only good for press releases and social media posts.

As for ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, she’s only doing this in aid of retirement funds. According to former US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, “The ICC is corrupt, politicized and incompetent. Chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda abused her authority, engaged in corrupt acts for her personal benefit.”.


And we segue to another fool who is literally out of his league; the best parallel would be the folktale “Emperor’s New Clothes”.

Manny Pacquiao obviously wants to run for president. He should just announce his intentions and present his platform of government instead of coming out with statements trying to be clever; they only succeed in making him look like a trying hard fool.

One of his notable stupid statements is that if he becomes president in five years’ time, he vowed to end squatting; he will build subdivisions and buildings and give them to all squatters for free. How he will go about it boggles the mind.  Suddenly, Noynoy Aquino’s promise to be ran over by a train and that Duterte jet ski to the South China Sea seem pale in comparison.

But this one tops them all: Manny Pacquiao said, “English is a language and not a measure of intelligence.”

Take note that the ability to learn and master another language requires a fair amount of intelligence. I guess they don’t teach that in boxing.

Ad by the way, that line is the convenient excuse of those who don’t have the intelligence to write and speak proper English.

And finally, a line from fashion icon Coco Chanel” “Fashion passes. Style remains.(


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