Friday’s random thoughts

WE SEEM to have accumulated a number of interesting stray semantic memories coming to the weekend so we might as well share them.

As I have been saying, they’re never meant to convince, rather to make you think. If you don’t agree or triggered to violent reactions I really don’t care. If you agree good for you then.

Let’s start with “Jumping Jack Flash”. No, we’re not talking about the Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger; it is someone else and he has nothing to do with rock and roll or any form of music. Just read on and you’ll know who and what I mean.

Billboards, tarpaulins, posters – the classic epal kind – are sprouting overnight along prominent streets of “I Am Iloilo City” featuring a certain Jojo Javellana. The impression one gets is that they seem to add a twisted sense of humor to the empty streets.

It’s quite obvious that these billboards, tarpaulins and posters are in aid of reelection (the dude is a first-term councilor). It’s a jump-the-gun before the actual campaign period starts. The smug silly grin seems to darken an already gloomy situation akin to a clown in a horror flick…a perfect scenario in a Monty Python dark comedy.

Of course, the operative word there is “jump” as in jumping or jumper, so perhaps it would be more realistic if the billboards, tarpaulins and posters, instead of saying “No to Drugs” along with a smug silly grin, the message would be “No to Illegal Electric Jumpers”.


And we segue to another joke that has been shooting himself in the foot or perhaps the better phrase is “boxing himself in the face”.

After all their supposedly presidential candidates politely declined their nomination and avoided them like the virus, 1Sambayan ate their own words and declared that they are open to endorse Manny Pacquiao for president. Hahaha, that desperate to say the least, bearing in mind that previously 1Sambayan were so smug in saying that Manny Pacquiao does not fit their criteria.

Well, considering that Manny Pacquiao’s party PDP- Laban just expelled him and also considering his insatiable desire to run for president, I would not be surprised if he invites himself to 1Sambayan.

If that indeed happens then Manny Pacquiao better start cramming about the South China Sea flashpoint or, as the usual suspects prefer, the so-called West Philippine Sea.

I suppose that would not be a problem since Manny Pacquiao was able to finish Bachelor of Arts major in Political Science in just three months (it normally takes people four years to finish this).

I’m not even going to speculate that he had a complete three months attendance and was able to cram all the lectures on political theories known to man in his punch-drunk brain. Of course, as he claims, he is an expert on memorization.

There’s no doubt Manny Pacquiao is the greatest PROFESSIONAL boxer to come from the Philippines and his achievements in boxing are phenomenal, I put emphasis on PROFESSIONAL because he has never boxed for flag and country. He has never represented the country officially i.e. ASEAN and Asian Games and the Olympics. He has always boxed for himself, his family and cronies, above all for money.

As a boxer he is par excellence. All the rest of his other interests and pursuits, at best, are way below mediocre.

To say that “ang laban ko ay para sa bayan” or that he is the “pambansang kamao” are complete nonsense, a bare-face lie. These are just PR and pay per view marketing gimmicks to endear him to the gullible.

Every time Manny Pacquiao steps into the ring to fight he does so not for the country but for himself, his family, and his cronies and above all for money. It is not for flag and country but to buy more Louis Vuitton bags and other expensive signature items his wife desires, and now it is to finance his presidential ambitions.

Take note: just because Manny Pacquiao entertains you by winning a boxing match does not mean you have to vote for him as president. Doing so is the epitome of stupidity.

And finally, those politicians who are now following his bandwagon are simply there for the money and their selfish motives, nothing nationalistic about it. (


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