Different thoughts on vaccine

THE ALLEGED virus surge in the region has brought different impressions and thoughts as to why this is occurring. It has also triggered varied arguments.  


Sipping his cappuccino, a golfer asked his coffee mate if he got a shot of the vaccine already.

“Nope, not yet, I have not yet decided to be vaccinated,” said the retired banker.

“Why? I had my two shots already and did not feel any discomfort at all,” replied the golfer.

The banker replied: “I am afraid because of my past experience with a vaccine when I was younger. I got ill for more than a week. This gave me phobia.”


“Doctors are of varied thinking about the vaccine. Others favor it while others think the research and its implementation seemed to have been rushed. Many pharmas came out right away with their products less than a year,” said an educator. “This has given me second thoughts about being vaccinated,” an educator said.


“But the government insists that all individuals should be vaccinated. Is this a mandate, a rule or a health warning? We don’t know,” said the golfer.

“It seems even employers are ordering their workers to be vaccinated or else… So there should be a valid reason to be vaccinated,” he added.

The banker replied: “I am of the belief that while this could help prevent the spread of the virus, at the very least, health agencies should also inform the people as to what are the ingredients or contents of the vaccine. All that is known so far are the brands or suppliers. There is no discussion on why one brand is better than the other.”


“Some brands or suppliers seem to be newbies but others are old and famous,” the educator pointed out.

“Yes. Brands may be credible but these suppliers do not say what the contents of the vaccines are. Just like a beverage or food, the regulating agency requires the manufacturer to indicate how much percentage of sodium, sugar, coloring is in the manufactured product,” the banker replied.


“The government now insists that everyone should be vaccinated as this will help reduce the spread of the virus. It believes that the use of facemask, face shield, hand washing and physical distancing must remain. So let us abide by its order,” a former health worker said.


Sipping the last drops of his iced coffee, the educator expressed to his coffee mates – “The only way to persuade almost everyone to get the jab on their arms is to express the contents of the vaccine to give due respect to the recipients. It is not enough to impose vaccination; it is valid to educate the recipients. Vaccination is not bad, neither a turnoff, but its importance on the general welfare should be explained deeper, not just the brands,” he stressed.


As the golfer finishes his drink, he shares, “It is important that all of us should be in a healthier state to prevent the virus from spreading more. Everyone must be vaccinated. But it is of utmost importance for health authorities to be honest. The only way is to be truthful in the drive for a healthier nation.”/PN


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