ANTIQUE – The RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) test result is not required for travelers going to Antique provided they are fully vaccinated.
This was issued by Governor Rhodora Cadiao last Wednesday, February 2 in Executive Order No. 004-A or An order Amending Executive Order No. 004, Series of 2022 or An Order Extending the Implementation of Alert Level System 3 for Covid-19 Response in the Province of Antique.
Under EO No. 004-A, new requirements for returning Antiqueños and authorized persons outside residence are included.
For Returning Antiqueños from areas outside the Provinces of Antique, Aklan, Capiz, Iloilo, and Guimaras shall:
* Secure a notice of coordination and acceptance from the Municipal Coordinator for Returning Antiqueños (MCRA) of the receiving municipal local government unit.
* For persons (including infants and children) who are not fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine, secure a negative RT-PCR test result, provided that the test has been conducted after a five (5) day strict quarantine from the point of origin; provided further, that the test result was issued not earlier than three (3) days before travel to the Province of Antique.
* For those who are fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, present a COVID-19 vaccination card or vaccination certificate duly issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment.
* Provide an approved S-pass quick response (QR) code.
For Authorized Persons Outside of Residence of national government agencies, their attached agencies and other local government units, traveling on official business and coming from places outside of the Province of Antique, Aklan, Capiz, Iloilo, and Guimaras shall:
* Provide their travel/mission order, travel itinerary, and a valid ID.
* Secure a notice of coordination and acceptance from the Municipal Coordinator for Returning Antiqueños if the receiving municipal local government unit.
* For persons (including infants and children) who are not fully vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine, secure a negative RT-PCR test result, provided that the test has been conducted after a five (5) day strict quarantine from the point of origin; provided further, that the test result was issued not earlier than three (3) days before travel to the Province of Antique.
* For those who are fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine, present a COVID-19 vaccination card or vaccination certificate duly issued by a legitimate vaccinating establishment.
* Provide an approved S-Pass Quick Response (QR) code.
Here are the requirements for leisure travel in Antique.
For Antiqueños
* Valid ID and COVID-19 vaccination card or vaccination certificate or a medical certificate stating that the holder is not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
For tourists or staycationers within the Provinces of Iloilo, Antique, Aklan, Capiz, and Guimaras
* Valid ID and COVID-19 vaccination card or vaccination certificate or a medical certificate stating that the holder is not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine.
* Proof of booking reservation issued by a DOT-accredited resort or hotel. Provided, that if non-Antiqueño tourists will not stay overnight, booking reservation is no longer necessary.
For tourists or staycationers from outside the Provinces of Antique, Capiz, Aklan, Iloilo, and Guimaras
* Valid ID and COVID-19 vaccination card or vaccination certificate or a medical certificate stating that the holder is not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine
* Proof of booking reservation issued by a DOT-accredited resort or hotel./PN