A Pentecost reminder

WE END the wonderful liturgical season of Easter with the celebration of the Solemnity of Pentecost. We are reminded that what Christ promised about the coming of the Holy Spirit to keep the work of human redemption going has taken place.

We should feel good and happy with this truth of our faith that assures us that whatever happens in our life, the Holy Spirit continues to be with us and to help us achieve our true and ultimate purpose of our life.

Yes, we should feel good and happy that we are given a clear indication of what our true goal in life is and of how we can attain it. We should banish whatever fears and doubts we may have in this regard. We are never left alone by God. We are never orphaned by Christ our Redeemer. God is alive and the redemptive work of Christ continues to take place because of the Holy Spirit.

We should give time to consider these truths of our faith more slowly and deeply, if only to help enable ourselves to do our part in this business of human redemption. Yes, we also have a big role to play in this, even if the main role belongs to God through Christ in the Holy Spirit.

It cannot be denied that we are God’s most special project, so to speak, since we have been given the dignity of being nothing less than God’s image and likeness, children of his and meant to share in his very own divine life.

These are tremendous truths of our faith that we should study well and assimilate as best that we can. They truly can fill us with a most ineffable joy, though at times we may get skeptical about it, since we can regard them as being too good to be true. But that’s just how things are with us in our relation with God!

We need to learn to be most attentive and discerning to the promptings of the Holy Spirit who continually intervenes in our life. He it is who will lead us to the whole truth and to things that are to come, as Christ himself assured us. (cfr. Jn 16, 13) Can there ever be a greater deal than this that Christ has given us?

When we manage to perceive the abiding promptings of the Holy Spirit, we would see and understand things most objectively. We would know how to react to things. We would have a better knowledge of our own selves and of others. Let’s never forget that even if we know a lot about ourselves and others, we all continue to remain a mystery to ourselves. The Holy Spirit will help us cruise through that mystery.

May it be that discerning the interventions of the Holy Spirit in our daily life becomes an instinct in us as well as a working culture all over the world.  I know that that may sound like a pipe dream, but we can always try to do something about it. We just have to start with our own selves.

We can ask ourselves, how are we dealing with the Holy Spirit? How can we be more aware of his presence and continuing promptings in our life? Do we realize that we need a daily plan and strategy so as to make ourselves most attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit?/PN


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