FROM biking to mental health to environmental activism. Looping them into one specific orb is no ordinary quest. More so for millennials who are gleeful but carefree.
But for Matthew Louis “Matt” Malacon, 22, of E.B. Magalona, Negros Occidental, such are meant for significance:
* to save his fellows from the “torments” triggered by lots of current time’s challenges
* to salvage everyone’s future from imminent (environmental) Armageddon
Seeing Matt in person, you couldn’t imagine he has this kinda serious and enormous desire in his heart. He is a simple and silent-type lad. He could be misjudged at first, second and third glances. But believe it or not, he has an “it”.
What’s notable in him: he‘s a bike enthusiast. Most of the time, Matt is seen alongside fellow millennial-bikers roaming around the town or joining a bike challenge.
Glad to interview this humble yet sensible guy. Iwas shocked with his candid revelation.
“Yes, for me, three years ago, biking was just a healthy exercise or an alternative mode of transportation,” he said.
But amid the COVID-19 pandemic comes a great realization.
“Biking,” he underscored, “activates the human brain, thus, truly valuable for us millennials faced by so many challenges both in our physical and mental health.”
Matt mentioned, too, about suicide and, sad to say, most of the recent victims were millennials.
He’s grateful that his biking advocacy gathered almost 200 Saraviahanon youths, and counting.
“Ang kanami kay kon mag-bike na kami, we talk sa dalan, then, we really know each other and learn so many valuable lessons from each one,” he said.
Matt’s right! Biking, then talking to each other and learning others’ stories can really save someone from a mental health mess. Today, mental health is a pressing concern parallel to the dreaded COVID-19.
Too, it’s notable that at the height of pandemic, there’s an apparent spike in mental health issues that silently pervaded communities. Worse, they precipitated the alarming increase in suicide among millennials.
The World Health Organization (WHO) disclosed that, globally, the most vulnerable population for mental health-related deaths is those aged 15 to 29. And in the Philippines, study shows Filipino youths aren’t comfortable sharing their mental health challenges for fear of alienation or prejudice.
But for Matt, talking peer-to-peer seems to have “magic”.
“We know if others are sad or happy. Then, after sharing our feelings, there’s wonder in it– utok namon naga-active, dasun ako ganahan man mag-ubra, especially sa mga additional work sa balay. Love to be busy all day,” Matt shared. “Kung baga, biking is our stress reliever, but we want to level it up.”
The Bill Bone Bike Law (BBBL) says biking has seven mental benefits to humans. These include:
* reduces stress
* reduces risk of depression
* helps sleep better
* improves memory
* helps one feel good
* improves creative thinking
* helps boost productivity
Biking, experts say, also helps one to socialize.
Beyond mental health, Matt stressed, his “biking fashion” is also geared towards environmental safeguards. To be environmentally-conscious (nowadays) is tantamount to a sane missionary work. And for Matt, casting his share in reducing carbon footprints in the environment by simply riding on his bike is his “noblest mission” to help fight climate change or global warming.
“I really want to see my fellow millennials to have concern for our environment,” Matt articulated. “By biking, therefore, we’re already envi warriors silently waging war against carbon emissions.”
What an astute fella!
According to UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles), a moderate increase in bicycle use each year could save an estimated six to 14 million tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide). I can’t help but express gladness to Matt for his silent yet well-meaning advocacies.
I’m sure with just a little push, Matt will succeed in his pursuits that’ll surely spell lots of goodness in the lives of his fellow young people, and for Mother Earth, too./PN