Office of first resort

ASIDE from a term extension of nearly a year due to the postponement of the barangay election, there’s another good news to barangay officials. Several lawmakers in the House of Representatives are pushing for a measure that would provide barangay officials with fixed salaries and other benefits enjoyed by regular government employees. House Bill 502 declares barangay officials as regular government employees that should receive just compensation.

Under the present system, the barangay chairperson and members of the barangay council are receiving compensation in the form of honorarium and not a fixed salary within the compensation system that will provide just remuneration for their wide range of roles and responsibilities.

The proposed measure makes sense. After all, the barangay serves as the office of first resort of the people, and its officials are expected to address a number of issues apart from their regular duties and responsibilities. It is high time that our barangay officials to be given what is due them. We must recognize their vital role in carrying out government activities to the communities,

As the basic political unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government projects, programs, and policies. In fact, most of the national government’s efforts require intervention and support of the barangay as they are the closest form of government to the people.

Aside from fixed salaries, the bill also provides that barangay officials must be covered by the Government Service Insurance System, PhilHealth, and the Pag-Ibig Fund benefits.

Barangay officials are deemed persons in authority in their respective barangays, and are mandated to maintain public order and ensure the efficient delivery of basic services to the people. Their functions cut across the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government on a daily basis, 24 hours a day. While some may be critical or cynical because there are indeed some lazy and corrupt barangay officials, let us not generalize because the vast majority are faithful and devoted to their barangay constituents.


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