Ethics in Politics: To speak your mind is to risk being offensive (7 of 7)


OR TO RISK being in the wrong side of the fence. Sometimes, it is not the commission—but the admission that we are wrong—that is the problem.

Admitting a mistake is a corollary step in learning. But it may become a stumbling block when we put into consideration that the individual is a person in authority or when a subordinate uses criticism as a stepping stone—and the ego stands strong on a high tower proclaiming: Do you know who I am?!

There are many factors to consider why someone in authority finds it difficult to admit a mistake. And subordinates (as the word implies) would, as much as possible, keep to themselves a negative feedback for fear of retaliation.

In other words, we only heed the bearer of good news—although shooting the messenger does not change the news itself; it only makes the conversation misleading for lack of transparency; it only makes the problem worse for lack of freedom.

And in a school setting, freedom of thought—the ability to speak one’s mind—makes the learning not only constructive but also corrective. But such freedom requires maturity. The art—and beauty—of discourse, is founded on our ability to learn from others by learning from our mistakes.

To admit that I am wrong, and that there are some ideas that cannot be easily answered by a simple yes or no, is what makes education a lifelong learning.


1. From an article, the idea goes something like this:

Q: How will you know that you are poor or victimized or exploited to remain poor?

A: If you find yourself always falling in line waiting for your turn, then you are being exploited.

The privileged (or entitled) don’t fall in line. Interestingly, if you know how to play the game, then you can have a VIP access in living your life.

2. There is a worse problem than fake news: the snowflakes.

A snowflake is a person who easily melts under pressure. This kind of person is a self-proclaimed entitled. Most of them can be found in the universities. When they hear a little bit of information—scientific or otherwise—that goes against their beliefs, they felt condemned and violated.

The only freedom they know is their own freedom to cancel others.

3. Education is learning with attached indoctrination from the institution.

This may sound a bit controversial and anti-educational. If you can name a university or school that does not profess any motto or guiding principle and only teaches for learning’s sake, that would really be great.

Isn’t it true—well-nigh valid—that an institution expects you to behave according to their tenets?

4. Inflation is the hidden debt paid by the public.

Financial literacy must be taught with Finance and Economy as a core subject. Meaning, this subject must be treated with urgency and given priority like science and math. Then, we will know how to explain statements like this:

Taxes are not just the lifeblood of the nation; it is the profit of some government officials.

5. We have all benefited from someone else’s corrupt or illegal acts.

This concept is related to the original sin. By absurdity, we can also say that we benefited from the kiss of Judas.

This statement has a nihilistic or pessimistic stance; almost like a Robinhood paradox: the inherent wrongness of an act becomes vague when we have a personal stake with the situation. Deontology makes such act unethical.

But the ramifications of personal needs make it vague and therefore support relativism. In short, it’s just a matter of interpretation, to wit:

a. Steve Jobs almost betrayed everyone he worked with; we enjoyed the products from such betrayal.

b. Bill Gates monopolized the industry and owned patents not of his making; we benefited from what was practically stolen.

c. Elon Musk does not care about his employees who cannot match up his work ethic; in the name of progress, there has to be “inhumane treatment.”

We all denounce corruption as an idea. But to most of us, we are guilty in our own unique way. Sometimes it is a question not of morality, but of priority.

The challenge is how to approach such scenarios. I get to the point that despite the ideas and knowledge I learned from reading books, there is also another way of thinking: on your feet and decide right there and then; not only to know the rules but also to bend the rules.

IN CLOSING, if everyone agrees with you, then you have not really spoken from the heart. To be honest is to be true to your own opinion that can cause you your life, your reputation, your “sense of belongingness.”

In the same manner, when you speak from the heart, there will be those who will truly believe you. And in so doing, you have truly lived. For learning is meant to rekindle life and freedom is meant to empower others. May we all continue to strive to live courageously and despite the dilemma of having ethics in politics, assert our individual sovereignty./PN


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