Squat jumps

I STARTED squat jumps in the New Year.

My goal is 100 times daily.

My idea is four sets of 25 reps spaced throughout the day. 

It can be a job.

Considering that I am 54 this year.

And most especially when I try to jump pretty high.


I like jumping high.

It gives me a sense of lightness.

A sense of fitness.

This thing they say about jumping as not so good for the knees, I hope it isn’t true for me.

But if it is, damn, I’d still jump!


I may concede to not running marathons anymore.

But I really want to jump.

To fly.

To jump off the ground.

To be propelled and suspended midair for a few seconds.

The earth is for earthlings; the air is for, well, birds. 

And I am a rare bird.


I like defying expectations.

Defying age restrictions.

I like exceeding my limitations.

I like surpassing my goals.

That gives me a sense of real achievement.


I said, 100 squat jumps daily.

On Jan 1, I did 100.

But on Jan 2, I did 125.

I did 150 on Jan 3.

And on Jan 6, my 54th birthday, I did 175.

On my first week, I averaged 132.

On my first 10 days, I averaged 130.

Not bad for a 54-year old.


I often start early in the day.

Get it over and done with.

Get it out of the way.

Often, when I get the 100 done before noon, I get a chance to do 25 more, or 50 more, before the day is over.

That’s discipline.

But that’s also my trick to achieve more in life.

I surpass expectations, of other people, and even of myself.


There are lazy days.

But that’s when I work double.

That’s when I push myself more.

On low pressure area days, when it’s rainy and dreary, and you just want to curl in bed with a “hard read” like Isaac Asimov, I jump more.

Like every two chapters. Haha.


Now, Asimov is not really difficult.

Virtually nothing happens in “Foundation”.

The action happened off stage.

But to appreciate Isaac, you need to see in your mind his created sci-fi world.

And if you are like me, you will work harder to imagine the moving platforms, the domed cities, the pill diets.


I can pretend to read “Foundation”.

I have googled the plot summary (and it is quite faithful).

I have read chapter 1, and the last two.

I skimmed a chapter in the middle.

Those are good enough for me for a feel of the book.

But the truth is, I read the book from cover to cover.

Every word of it.

Including the introduction written for the original republication.


And again, that’s me: Truth in everything.


No bluffing.

If I impress certain people, that’s because I am truly impressive.

Key word: truly.

And that’s why I can be a little difficult in the world of fakes and fakers:

Because I am solid.

Solid as a rock.


Oh, in case you missed it, Peter means “rock”.

Peter from petrus.

And petrus is Latin for rock.

Well, I presume you know a little Latin?/PN


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