MORNING, 7:30. Coffee shop.
March 14 as I write this.
I got a scheduled March 15 flight back to the US, but I’m forfeiting it.
I’m staying in the country for a while.
I would need a new ticket if I decide to fly out.
Why not just rebook?
Because I already rebooked.
And paid some money which now looks ridiculous.
My original return flight to the US was February 25.
But I rescheduled it to March 15 because I wanted to put someone in jail.
Turns out, “due process” takes forever in this country.
Especially if you let stupid people interpret the law.
If I rebook the ticket again, the latest I could reschedule it is July 15.
And with more than $250 additional fees, plus fare difference.
So I said, just waste the ticket.
I want to put someone behind bars.
What’s $600 lost to me?
Getting someone into jail—now, that would be a treat!
Not flying to put someone in jail sounds so vindictive.
I like it!
I very seldom resort to legal means.
In fact, I’ve really never.
That’s why this is so interesting.
Yes, this is a little personal.
But at 54, I don’t want people to do things to me without thinking of repercussions.
Try to slander me, and I’ll show you.
Try to cyber bully me.
Try to write libelous things about me.
You will get #ThePSN kind of justice, and your life will be very interesting.
I’ve never done courts, but only to get my inheritance from my dead husband in the US.
In the Philippines, I had a lawyer-friend demand payment for a commissioned work with a textbook publisher; we got paid for that one.
I’m pretty sure the publishing company will never ever forget my name. Haha.
My current case is with a local in Dumangas.
I’m still waiting for the resolution of the administrative case as I write this.
But I’m already winning.
I’ve heard so many things, but I’m not discussing them here.
Suffice it to say that people say things about me at my back.
Things like, “Peter Solis Nery is never to be messed up with.”
“Smart people like Peter Solis Nery get things done.”
“Peter Solis Nery has the political will that most leaders in this town don’t have.”
Now, this person was a trusted associate.
So it really takes a lot for me to resort to legal proceedings.
But things have to be done.
S/he is not a first time offender.
In fact, if there’s a jury of peers, s/he will be found guilty unanimously.
My question has always been, If this person is so bad, why hasn’t s/he been jailed yet?
Well, there’s the question of integrity.
There’s the question of no one is so clean to cast the first stone.
So, thank God there is the spotless Peter Solis Nery—
Blameless, full of integrity, not given to gossip, and whose word is holy.
Yep, that’s the brand I’ve been working on.
Those there are the words I’d like to be remembered for.
Oh, may I also point out that justice is very slow in this country.
That political will is weak, if not non-existent.
And with how things go, the small people have no patience to run after this slimy fellow.
And it would look like some politicians are cuddling the culprit.
I like the idea of avenging the others conned by this baldogero.
I like to be perceived as the superhero of justice in our town.
I like to be seen as someone with a strong political will.
As someone with the real power that is not corrupted.
So yeah, I lose money over a forfeited ticket.
But already, I’m gaining the world.
And such respect is priceless./PN