THE Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) said yesterday there would be no extension for the annual income tax return (AITR) filing and payment deadline on April 17.
Any extension will result in inadequate funding of government programs, the BIR said.
“We are all partners in nation-building. Timely payment of taxes results into immediate funding of priority government programs. There will be no extension. The deadline for filing and payment of our 2022 AITRs is on the 17th day of April 2023, Monday,” Commissioner Romeo Lumagui Jr. said.
Taxpayers are encouraged to use the “file and pay anywhere” process introduced earlier by the BIR as well as the tax assistance centers nationwide.
The BIR said there is no reason for non-compliance since the processes are now more convenient.
Payments beyond the deadline will entail interests, surcharges and penalties, the agency said. (ABS-CBN News)