Wife beater at a party

I WAS knocked out for six hours after the 10K run.

It wasn’t my best run—10K in 72 minutes; but at 54, I no longer complain.

I had a gout flare, and still I ran.

I was running slow, but I had fun. So much fun!

Because I was uniquely dressed, people cheered me up even more.

I had a ball. 


I went to bed around 7:30am, and didn’t get up until 1:30 p.m.

I woke up feeling hungry.

I didn’t know what to eat.

There aren’t as many food places open in Dumangas on weekends as there are on school/office days.

Somebody suggested I should go to PD Monfort North for some fiesta meal.

And I thought, That’s it.

Free food, buffet style.


Someone from our space renters was about to go.

Do I want to hitch a ride on his dilapidated motorcycle?

I was in my shorts, a top called the wifebeater, and slippers.

I didn’t think that I was dressed for the party.

And the guy said, “But you are ThePSN. You are the Hall of Famer.”


Implicitly, he was saying that houses would be so honored to welcome and feed me.

Like he was so honored and proud to give me a ride.

He kept on saying, “My motorcycle is run-down, but look, I’m taking ThePSN to the party.”

Things like “I’m so proud to take the Hall of Famer to this house and that.”


I ate around 2pm, and we didn’t leave the house until 3:30 p.m.

That was my last meal for the day.

Somebody woke me up at 4 p.m.

They pretended to give me a whole bunch or stalk of bananas, and a bagful of avocados from my farm.

Some neighbors mind my farm.

I do not pay them, but they are welcome to the fruits in my farm.

If they remember to share with me some, I thank them.

If not, it’s not something that makes me poor.


About bananas.

A piece of banana is called a finger.

A cluster of fingers is a hand.

A cluster of hands in a stalk is called a bunch; or simply a stalk.

Now, you know.


I accepted the fruits, and said that if the hectare of land next to mine is sold for a million, I’ll buy it.

It’s still a little expensive after all the quarrying and the degradation that went there; but for fun, I’ll buy it for a million, no more.

My point, no one in his right mind would pay more than two million for such a wasteland after the rock and limestones have been mined.

No vegetation, no irrigation, in a non-populated area isn’t really very inviting.

And no one throws away a million like I do. Haha. 


I have no serious intention of expanding my farm.

I can hardly manage what I have now.

But if it goes for a million, I’d rather spend one million on a land property than just let my money sit in a bank.

I don’t mind letting my money’s worth sit on land, however unproductive it seems.


A seaman I previously got a crush on called me.

Are we spending a night out in the city?

It got me into thinking.

I’m still a little sore from my 10K run in the morning.

Partying with a 25-year old seaman means what?

Beer drinking?

Not so much fun with me who can’t do beer because of my gout.

Sure, I can do harder drinks; but for what end?


Does partying with him mean dancing after drinking?

I only go dancing to get laid. Haha.

Either I go alone and find someone; or, I go with someone who will take me home after the dance.

A seaman separated from the baby-mama is another story.

What is his story?

Maybe you should read my next column. Haha./PN


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