THE House of Representatives swiftly approved the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bill on its second reading just this Aug. 30. This is a very encouraging development.
To get past the second reading is often the toughest part in the legislative process. This marks the bill’s furthest progress, proving that child rights advocates have come a long way in destigmatizing the issue of adolescent pregnancy. There is absolutely nothing controversial in empowering our young people with the means to achieve their dreams and fulfill their potential.
The importance of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bill goes beyond its title. The bill is also about nurturing a generation of informed and responsible young Filipinos, achieved through an expansive government program that aims to transcend gender, culture, and social boundaries. In addition, it aims to increase the ability of our young people to earn a good living in the future and enjoy an elevated quality of life.
The aspiration through this bill is to nurture a community where every young Filipino is equipped with the knowledge to make informed choices about their sexuality and reproductive health, where they are protected from sexual and gender-based violence, and where they can readily access government services – places where they won’t face judgment but will instead receive guidance as they navigate their adolescent years.
The Philippines currently ranks second in Southeast Asia for the highest adolescent birth rate, surpassed only by Laos. Birth rate among adolescents aged 10-14 years old also saw an increase of more than 20% from 2016 to 2021.
Government data also show that from 2016 to 2020, one in four births to adolescent mothers was fathered by men three to five years older than the mother. More disconcerting is that six to seven percent of babies born to these young girls during the same period had fathers who were a decade older than the mothers.
Now, the Senate must align with the House in giving this bill the urgency that the national government has declared and to work towards its passage at the soonest possible time.