Tone down the threats

IT APPEARS that ABC host Rachel Scott has received death threats after her interview with Donald Trump at the National Association of Black Journalists meeting.

Who thinks it is right to threaten someone who is doing their job and doing it properly?

Haven’t enough journalists been harassed, imprisoned and far too many killed?

If you don’t like what someone asked you then don’t answer it or leave, do not attack the questioner or cast doubt on their integrity because there are too many unhinged people with guns.

Tone down the threats and violence, please.


Not a sporting debate

All that is in most papers at the moment are articles about sport, specifically the Olympics, and the US election, currently Donald Trump’s reactions to Kamala Harris candidacy.

Trump has decided to avoid the ABC debate and wants to switch to a Fox News one. This doesn’t seem all that different until you see it in term of a sporting parlance. He would be playing on his home ground, with his own umpires, his own rules and his own crowd.

Play fair, if you know how to.


One brave soul returns home

Seeing the release of numerous prisoners including Evan Gershkovich reminds us how important our freedom is and the need to protect it.

The specific case of Evan Gershkovich is a warning about press freedoms too. No matter what he was charged with, the reality was he was imprisoned for his journalism work, his capacity to tell us the truth and hopefully we will still be able to hear him.

The world will be a better place when there is nothing to warn us about, but until then we need the bravery of Evan and many others, and to remember those who have lost their lives warning us. There have been too many lost to us.


A colorful topic

It could be said that Donald Trump sees everything in black and white in that people either support him or they don’t with no one in between.

It’s probably true that the public either loves or hates him but is it all that simple?

How can he say that Kamala Harris’ identity has changed as “she happened to turn black” and to say that in front of people at the National Association of Black Journalists’ convention. That’s not only offensive but stupid politically in that he wants to appeal to as many people as possible.

Why are many politicians, or specifically one politician, so divisive in what they say and what they intend to do?

Value your vote and use it wisely./PN


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