The Latest Free Buy and Sell Website in Negros

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[av_heading heading=’The Latest Free Buy and Sell Website in Negros’ tag=’h3′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=”]
by Lloyd Bulagao, CEO of Negros Classifieds

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If you want to buy or sell items, then the first place you will probably think to go is the Internet. In Negros though, you don’t have many options for good websites to buy and sell items for free. Negros Classifieds is here to change that though. Their website allows users to buy and sell items for free, similar to the popular Craigslist website but with a more modern, and easy to understand interface.
As far as what the website is like it could be considered a mix between eBay and Craigslist. It is like Craigslist because the use of the website is free and the categories are very similar. It is like eBay in appearance because it has a much more modern visual appearance. You can see preview pictures of the items in a grid view. The website; however, does not allow you to auction off items.
The Negros Classifieds website currently offers 10 categories of items for sale or rent. Every category most people could possibly want is included in the list. Everything from real estate to fashion can be found on the website. Here is a full list of the categories: Construction, Electrical, Fashion, Job Hiring, Motorcycles, Office/Home Electronics, PCs and Laptops, Personals and Cosmetics, Pets, Real Estate and Smartphones.
Each category also contains a variety of subcategories to help you find exactly what you are looking for. The subcategories allow you to easily break down what you are looking for but they also help you to see how much of each type of item is actively listed on the website.
The front page of the Negros Classifieds website offers you the ability to see a selection of ads without having to select a category. You can view either the latest ads, popular ads, or random ads. This list can be displayed in either a detailed view with the listing image or in a box view with the listing image being the featured display.
Each individual listing features the added date, location, number of views, and a rating of the seller. Sellers can also put in a description of their item. This description allows for multiple lines so sellers can be as detailed as they want. They can also tag topics for the listing so that it can be found easily when users perform searches. A map is also displayed of the location that the item is at and you have the option to send a message to the author of the listing, right in the listing.
Despite being a new website, Negros Classifieds already has a great number of items listed on their site. Every category currently has at least a few listings. In total there are already over 200 ads up on the website.
One of the great benefits of Negros Classifieds website is that the company didn’t want to just provide a way for local individuals to sell their items and to buy items. They wanted to give local businesses and merchants access to a place to sell their wares on the internet without having to pay listing fees. The idea is great because many equivalent sites have listing fees that can make it hard to make a profit. Websites like Craigslist are also more geared towards individuals with items to list than small businesses or merchants.
The Negros website is built to serve a wide area of Negros. There are 59 different locations that are served by the Negros Classifieds website. It covers just about every location possible. Here are some of the locations being served – Dumaguete City, Bacolod City, Mabinay and many more.
The Negros Classifieds website is a great place for anyone to sell their items whether they are new or second hand. Visit or




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