A good night sleep: Better quality of living

Precious Ira C. Diamante, RTRP
SPHI Center for Respiratory Care (Respiratory Therapist)

SLEEPING soundly at night brings a refreshing feeling when you wake up the next morning. How well you sleep at night directly affects the quality of performance you are able to execute the following day. When we sleep, it is the best time for our body and mind to take a rest, restore lost energy used during the day, and regulate hormones that help us grow and develop. It is not just about how long you have slept but more importantly, the quality of sleep you have had.

Unfortunately, people who manifest sleep disorders may not even realize that they have one because the symptoms usually show while sleeping. People with sleep disorders typically demonstrates excessive daytime sleepiness, stress, fatigue, lack of concentration, loud snoring, and difficulty of staying asleep which then results to poor work performance. At some point, they can even experience mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and worse, DEPRESSION.It is not just the health of the person with a sleep disorder who is at stake but also the health of their loved ones by keeping themselves from getting diagnosed through a procedure called Polysomnography or simply called a Sleep Study.

Treatment for sleep disorders have a high rate of success for patients who are willing to get themselves diagnosed. Numerous patients find themselves to have a good and refreshing sleep, feeling more alert, rejuvenated and revitalized during the day thus experiencing a remarkable change in the quality of life.

SPHI is the first hospital in Western Visayas with a Sleep Laboratory. The team comprises of a doctor (Dr. Rosauro Cabana) who specializes in sleep medicine and other licensed professionals trained to become expert sleep technicians. The SPHI Sleep Lab (located at our Center For Respiratory Care) offers the following services: Diagnostic, Therapeutic, and Split-Night Polysomnography. The Sleep lab can accommodate pediatric and adult patients. Since 2005, there have been approximately 600 patients who have successfully undergone the said procedures.

Aside from the Sleep Study, the SPHI Center for Respiratory Care (CRC) also offers procedures such as (1) Direct Laryngoscopy/ Bronchoscopy which can either be a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure performed to inspect, remove foreign bodies, or collect samples from the airways and (2) Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) which is a complete evaluation of the respiratory system, a quantitative picture of a lung function. The PFT identifies presence and type of pulmonary impairments and its degree of severity.

For more information, you may contact the CRC at (033) 3372742 to 49 local 8301 or you may visit us at 3rd Floor SPICE Building at any time of your convenience. We are open 24/7. You may also reach us through our FB page at SphiloiloOfficial and our website at www.sphiloilo.com./PN


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