Bishop of Kalookan
Acting President, Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines
Sow for yourselves justice, reap in mercy. Break up for yourselves a new field, for it is time to seek the Lord, till he comes and rains justice upon you. — Hosea 10:12
DEAR fellow Filipinos,
A few days ago, we received a letter from His Eminence, Charles Cardinal Maung Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar and President of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences. It was an ardent request for prayers for Hong Kong, on account of the signing into law of a new National Security Act.
He explained in his letter how this new law poses a threat to the basic freedoms and human rights of the people of Hong Kong, and how it potentially undermines especially their freedom of expression.
Apparently, the Chinese government assures the people of Hong Kong that they have nothing to be afraid of, as long as “they don’t get involved in any activity that threatens national security.”
Why does this sound eerily familiar to us Filipinos? Because we are in a similar situation. And so, while we responded with an assurance to His Eminence, Cardinal Bo, that we would join him in praying for the people of Hong Kong, we also asked him to pray for the Philippines and explained why we are as seriously in need of prayers as the people of Hong Kong. Like them, we are also alarmed about the recent signing into law of the Anti-Terror Act of 2020.
We are still in disbelief about the manner in which the contentious Anti-Terror Bill was fast-tracked and approved in both Houses of Congress while the whole country’s attention was focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. They did not even seem to care that many of the people they represent were against it — lawyers’ associations, the academe, the business sector, labor groups, youth organizations, nongovernment organizations, political movements, faith-based communities, and even the Bangsamoro government.
The dissenting voices were strong but they remained unheeded. None of the serious concerns that they expressed about this legislative measure seemed to be of any consequence to them. Alas, the political pressure from above seemed to weigh more heavily on our legislators than the voices from below. It only made more evident the blurring of lines between legislative and the executive branches of our government.
In particular, the legal experts and constitutionalists in our country are seriously concerned that this newly signed law has many elements that are “oppressive and inconsistent with our Constitution.” They have pointed out convincingly how this new law poses a “serious threat to the fundamental freedoms of all peaceful Filipinos.”
And yet, the people in government and their allies have dismissed these fears as unfounded. The assurance that they give sounds strangely parallel to that which the Chinese government gave to the people of Hong Kong: “Activism is not terrorism. You have no reason to be afraid if you are not terrorists.”
We know full well that it is one thing to be actually involved in a crime and another thing to be merely suspected or accused of committing a crime.
Have we not heard of people active in social advocacies who are accused of being communists?
Have we forgotten the bishops, priests and religious who were included among those falsely charged by the Philippine National Police with crimes of sedition and inciting to sedition?
Are we not aware of the thousands of people who have been killed in police operations on the basis of mere suspicion of involvement in criminality and illegal drugs?
Have we not followed the news about Senator Leila de Lima who continues to languish in jail, also on the basis of mere allegations?
Have we not heard of media personalities being harassed by a multitude of criminal charges?
Have we not felt the chilling effect of the closure of the country’s biggest broadcast network, the ABS-CBN, after being denied renewal of its franchise? (To be continued/PN)