A taste of their own medicine

SO WHO’S got a taste of their own medicine? We’ll get to that later; in the meantime let’s have a bit of foreplay.

Did we, didn’t we, should we, couldn’t we

I’m not sure ‘cause sometimes we’re so blind

Struggling through the day…(“We All Fall in Love Sometime”, Elton John and Bernie Taupin)


It has turned into a three-ring circus complete with sideshow freaks. Now they’re either forensic experts, anti-rape advocates or plain homophobic. It would be prudent to wait for the final results of a proper investigation by the proper authorities.

So far the only crimes were no social distancing, no facemask and violation of IATF protocols on hotels i.e. no parties and only two persons per room.


So “I Am Iloilo City” is now under Modified General Community Quarantine or MGCQ. Let’s hope it stays that way and the cases continue going down.

Opening cinemas is putting together a group of people in an enclosed air-conditioned no-ventilation environment for two hours – a perfect scenario to commune and spread COVID-19.

Meanwhile we have another group of people jostling each other, rubbing elbows and shouting in your local cockpit. The much awaited second wave will definitely arrive much sooner than later.

Really, the virus COVID-19 is manmade and designed to reduce the human population. That must be the “Avengers: Endgame” movie kicking in.

The much awaited second wave is coming five days later courtesy of the “Black Nazarene”. That nonsense in Quiapo has nothing to do with spirituality. It borders between superstition and idolatry fuelled by greed for material wants.


All these obese people going to Starbucks ordering sugary drinks…there should be a law warning them that it’s the sugar that makes you fat, not fat.


Sana all” is the most stupid phrase that’s trendy nowadays. Whoever coined it is an idiot or a “woke”. Probably both.

Excerpts from a Jan. 7, 2021 story in www.democracynow.org.:

Americans getting a mild taste of their own medicine of disrupting democracy elsewhere

World leaders reacted in horror over the storming of the US Capitol, with the UN secretary-general calling on political leaders to demand their followers refrain from violence. Leaders of the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, India, Japan, France, Germany, NATO and the European Council called for a peaceful transfer of power to Joe Biden. Investigative journalist Allan Nairn looks at what steps Trump may take next, and says despite protestations from President-elect Joe Biden and others that the insurrection was “not who we are,” the U.S. has a long track record of disrupting democratic processes elsewhere. “What has shaken the US population so badly, this assault on the Capitol yesterday, is really nothing by comparison to what US operations have done in Latin America, in Asia, in Africa, in the Middle East, to other democratic movements and elected governments over the years,” says Nairn.

In statement, Venezuela’s government condemned political polarization and the spiral of violence, adding, quote, “With this unfortunate episode, the United States is experiencing what it has generated in other countries with its policies of aggression.”

Any election can be overturned, as long as it’s a foreign election. The US has supported coups consistently, nonstop, through every administration. Obama and John Kerry — after the Egyptian Army staged a coup and overthrew the elected president, Kerry said they were acting to restore democracy. Trump, when he was president, along with General Kelly, his chief of staff, supported the stealing of an election in Honduras, where the candidate, Nasralla, was winning the vote count, and where, just shortly before, the US had supported a coup to overthrow the elected president of Honduras, Zelaya. That was under Obama.

Well, it’s always been the case that the US establishment was willing to use terror and kill civilians overseas, either to do things like seizes oil; seize political power, or basically on whim. The presidency of George W. Bush was a prime example of that.

So, Americans are now getting a mild taste of their own medicine, in a sense.

The United States of America is no longer a safe place to visit, so please avoid going there. It appears that the Americans, when taken out of their comfort zones, panic and have the tendency to be very violent and prone to wanton destruction of public or private property.

Compared to Washington DC now, Havana, Cuba is a much safer and pleasant place to be and that’s the irony of it all./PN


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