A violation of women’s rights

AS USUAL over the weekend we have accumulated random thoughts and they are meant to make one think, never to convince. Just like riffs in jazz they all seem unrelated but they all come together in the end.

If they seem to you a clever way to condescend, perhaps they are and it does not really matter if you agree or not. Neither does it make any difference if you’re triggered because they do not fit your narrative or you have no sense of humor.

And here we go:

Let’s start with something that happened at the Central Philippine University (CPU) vaccination center Thursday last week, May 13. What was supposed to be a scheduled vaccination for seniors and those with comorbidities turned out to be a mass gathering with thousands of warm bodies – the perfect vector for the spread of the virus.

There was no proper social distancing. The irony is that these seniors went there to be vaccinated, not infected.

Mayor Geronimo, I hope it does not happen again. And perhaps next time there would be a strict adherence to proper protocols and only those pre-registered with tickets are allowed in the vaccination area.


I’m so disappointed the Anti-Terrorism Council has declared 19 personalities as terrorists. To my dismay the folks at Manila Vegans were not included, to think these “talong” and “alugbate” advocates worked so hard against the passage of the Anti-Terrorism Law because of their fear (or desperation to be relevant) they will be branded as terrorists…but then again since when has advocating to eat vegetables an act of terrorism?


Still on the terrorism thingy, Sen. Joel Villanueva says General Parlade of the NTF-ELCAC is a “bad apple”. Yeah right, coming from one convicted of graft and malversation of public funds and ordered by the Ombudsman banned from holding public office. Really, this Joel Villanueva has zero credibility and the epitome of hypocrisy in the Senate.


Meanwhile in the South China Sea or if you prefer “West Philippine Sea”…

We’ve always known that the “jet ski” quip was a joke meant to taunt his opponents and the usual suspects took it seriously. It just shows they don’t have a sense of humor, and stupid as well.

As expected, Manila Bishop Broderick Pabillo is triggered to go to war against China over the “West Philippine Sea”. Go Bishop and form a “holy crusade” and lead the idiots to war. Don’t forget to promise those 70 virgins waiting for them in paradise if they die.


And speaking of fools, when President Duterte said he forgot he was the president and thought it was Antonio Carpio, that was pure sarcasm. But then again as expected the usual suspects didn’t get it.

Ely Pamatong, Mel Carreon, Antonio Trillanes IV and lately Antonio Carpio, they all seem alike. I can’t even tell the difference anymore.


And we segue to men complete with penis and hairy balls dressed as women imposing themselves completely violating women’s rights and disrespecting their privacy.

An incident happened in a resort in Samal Island, Davao wherein a certain male with a complete set of penis and testicles claiming to be a “transgender female” wanted to use the shower room that is exclusive for women and was refused by the resort’s staff because female guests complained about this male’s intrusion.

Excerpts from the statement of the resort regarding that:


Isla Reta Beach Resort on Wednesday defended their controversial statement which averts transgender guests from staying in their resort.

According to the beach resort, a few of their female guests have raised concerns over sharing the women’s shower room with transgender women.

“Women guests have been complaining to the management that they do not feel safe and/or uncomfortable and even vulnerable using the shower room with them,” Isla Reta Beach said in their statement.

“Since then, it has become management’s policy not to allow transgenders to use the female shower room,” it added.

The beach resort then reasoned that in order to avoid being tagged as discriminatory against transgenders, they released the statement temporarily denying accommodation to transgender guests.

“We are clarifying that we are not homophobic or transphobic and that all the members of the LGBTQ+ are welcome but please respect the management’s policy on using the shower rooms and CR as we have to consider and protect other guests, particularly the women’s rights and privacy,” the statement read.

Take note that your sex is determined by what’s between your legs not what you fancy yourself to be. At the end of the day women’s rights are still being trampled and violated by men who claim to be women. (brotherlouie16@gmail.com)/PN


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