Aklan electric coop general assembly slated July 15

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017


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KALIBO, Aklan – Electric member-consumers will have the opportunity to discuss and highlight the challenges and achievements of Aklan Electric Cooperative (Akelco) during the annual general membership assembly (AGMA) on July 15.

Themed “Strengthening Akelco amidst continuing challenges,” the activity will be held at Gov. Augusto B. Legaspi Sports and Cultural Center in Kalibo, Aklan at 1 p.m.

Sultan Ashary Maongco, general manager of Lanao Sur Electric Cooperative, Inc. (Lasureco) in Marawi City (Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao), will be the guest speaker for the 34th AGMA. The US-trained electrical engineer is credited for revitalizing one of the worst electric cooperatives in the country and for his exemplary governance of Lasureco from 2007 to present.

The technical, institutional and financial reports and the development plans of Akelco to address adequacy, reliability and efficiency of power will also be presented to member-consumers.

Akelco is the sole power distributor serving more than 100,000 consumers in the province of Aklan, Boracay Island and two towns of Pandan and Libertad in Antique. It is classified as “Class A+” cooperative and led by its board of directors president Wayne Malilay and general manager Engr. Alexis Regalado.

For more than 30 years, Akelco remains a non-stock, non-profit electric cooperative after a referendum in 2015 under the National Electrification Administration. (With Aklan Forum Journal/PN)





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