An environmental challenge for solar power companies, 1


LAST July 4, 2023 was the hottest ever in the history of the world when it reached 17 degrees Celsius for the first time since recording of temperature in the northern hemisphere began in 1884. Such high temperatures are likely here too in the Philippines.

The climate is changing for the worst as the temperature is increasing and continuous illegal cutting of trees is making it worse.

This is a very serious situation since the threat of drought and low rainfall is likely. Water sources are becoming scarce and a weak rainy season could mean a very poor planting season in Asia. The Philippines imports much of its rice and for sure Asia will produce much less thus increasing the price. That is a challenge and problem for the nation. Expensive rice causes unrest, hunger and unhappiness.

Behind this hotter climate is the amount of CO2 gas we have pumped into the atmosphere. Never before has there been so much CO2 produced by humans. We are continuously burning coal, gas and oil at unprecedented levels and it is actually increasing, not diminishing, despite the global conferences trying to get nations to change to renewable sources of energy production.

Energy companies are investing more in wind, solar and hydro power generation with solar panels, windmills, dams and geo-thermal plants. Much more has to be done especially in the Philippines.

To lower the CO2 in the atmosphere and to offset the disasters that are already here and yet to come, we can plant bushes and trees. We can stop the illegal cutting of trees that goes on with the connivance of some corrupt politicians and officials. They seem to have no patriotic love of the Filipino people and the environment.

Since 1901, the forest cover was likely 80 percent or more. After World War II, the Philippine forests were widely devastated by greedy politicians making money from uncontrolled, non-stop logging rebuilding Manila but more for rebuilding Japan and Europe. The Filipino billionaires were born. There is only seven million hectares of rainforest left or just 25 percent of the Philippines.

In 2010, the Philippines had 13.2 million hectares of natural forest, extending over 62 percent of its land area. In 2021, it lost 37.7 thousand hectares of natural forest, equivalent to 22.5MT of CO2 emissions.

The Philippine government must stop the destruction of the forests and natural resources and protect the environmental protectors that are being murdered. Everyone must plant more trees.

AC Energy of the Ayala group of companies, owned by billionaire Jaime Zobel de Ayala, is building a solar power plant in San Marcelino, Zambales with the construction of a 283-megawatt solar farm. According to a statement by AC Energy, the San Marcelino solar plant is one of the biggest in the Philippines.  

AC Energy has sub-contractors assigned to cut all the trees in a wide pathway over the hills and mountains for the transmission line. They are already building gigantic towers. Despite the contractual obligation to replant thousands of saplings to replace the mature trees that have been cut, AC Energy has allegedly failed to do so. Apparently in some deal they turned over a few thousands seedlings to the DENR in Cawag, Subic for them to do the replanting. (To be continued)/PN


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