Antique hires para-teachers for learners

SAN JOSE, Antique – As part of the blended learning approach, a total of 726 para-teachers will be hired in Antique to assist public school students for the next three months.

The hiring started on March 1.

The para-teachers will be receiving a daily wage of P395, according to Donnabelle Baldonado, Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) Antique provincial office information officer.

The hiring of the personnel was through the collaboration of DOLE, the Antique provincial government, and the Department of Education (DepED).

DepEd regional director Ramir Uytico cited the provincial government for this initiative.

The hiring is being done under the Government Internship Program (GIP) of DOLE.

GIP is a government-run program that aims to employ youth, aged 18-30, for a three- to a six-month internship opportunity to pursue work in the public service sector, both local and national government units.

“I salute the provincial government for having a heart for the learners,” said Uytico.

Antique is so far the only province in Western Visayas hiring para-teachers to assist students in this time of coronavirus disease pandemic where face-to-face classes have been replaced by blended learning (modules and online instruction).

Uytico said parents having a difficult time helping their children with their lessons would be aided by para-teachers.

He was also impressed with the willingness of the para-teachers to assist elementary and secondary students with their modules.

“I thank the para-teachers for your love to the children,” said Uytico.

Last year, from Sept. 1 to Dec. 15, DOLE Antique provincial office hired 700 para-teachers to assist learners.

The para-teachers were assigned to 590 barangays of Antique and the DepEd district offices.

Through the GIP, the para-teachers were paid by DOLE for conducting home visitations with enrollees and for tutoring them. (PNA)


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