Antique logs six firecracker blast injuries

ANTIQUE – From Dec. 21, 2022 to Jan. 2, 2023, this province recorded six firecracker blast injuries.

Based on reports from sentinel and non-sentinel hospitals submitted to the Online National Electronic Survey Injury Surveillance System of the Department of Health (DOH), the six firework-related injuries were from the towns of San Jose de Buenavista (three) and one each from Hamtic, Anini-y and Belison.

Hands and arms were the most commonly affected body parts by blast or burn injuries caused by camara and boga.

Meanwhile, DOH said their monitoring will continue until Jan. 6, 2023, and the number of cases may still increase.

Earlier, the Antique Provincial Health Office urged Antiqueños to avoid lighting prohibited firecrackers.

The province recorded two cases sent to the Angel Salazar Memorial General Hospital in San Jose before the New Year./PN


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