‘Antique’s natural wonders lure tourists’

SAN JOSE, Antique – This province expects to lure more visitors as it noted the increasing arrival of tourists who wanted to explore its natural wonders. 

“Tourists would like to see Antique’s tourism sites that are still raw and untapped,” Gov. Rhodora Cadiao said.    

Meanwhile, Provincial Board Member Noel Alamis, who chairs the committee on tourism, said the increase in the arrivals can be attributed to the promotion of tourism destinations by the media.

Based on the Provincial Tourism Office’s partial report on tourist arrivals, around 906,899 same-day visitors have arrived in the province from January to October this year.   

“We are still waiting for reports on the months of Nov. to Dec. 2019,” said Arjan Fritz Abiera, administrative aide and in charge of the statistics.

Abiera added three municipalities have yet to submit their tourist arrivals from January. 

“Once the data from the towns of Barbaza, Hamtic and Bugasong will be in, the same-day tourist arrivals could exceed that of last year’s, which was 1.1 million,” he said.

Last year, tourist arrivals in the province generated receipts amounting to around P2 million, which Abiera said could increase this year. 

He added tourists usually visit the Igbaclag Cave and the highlands of San Remigio, which is considered as the “Little Baguio” of Antique and Rafflesia – as the biggest flower in the world; Siraan Hot Spring in Anini-y and the Malumpati Cold Spring in Pandan; white sand beach of Mararison Island in Culasi; and the Tono River in Tibiao where the National River Tubing is held yearly.(With a report from PNA/PN)


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