Are typhoons caused by climate change?

MY BELOVED countrymen,

Just in case you are wondering, it is not true that typhoons are caused by climate change. What is true is that climate change has made typhoons stronger and more frequent than they used to.

For those who do not believe that climate change is not real and is just an elaborate hoax, I hope that the recent series of strong typhoons and devastating floods have already convinced all of you that climate change is real.

And for those of you who do not believe that global warming is real, I must tell you now that it is global warming that is increasing the temperatures of ocean waters that is in turn causing the typhoons now.

Since the oceans are becoming warmer more frequently, the typhoons are now forming more frequently. In addition to that, the typhoons are also becoming stronger now. To put it simply, global warming is the cause of climate change, and climate change is the cause of stronger typhoons.

To put it even more simply, global warming is the father of climate change, and stronger typhoons are the children. So how do we stop typhoons from becoming stronger and more frequent?

Of course we could not stop typhoons from forming, because these are natural occurrences that have been happening long before global warming started. We could not stop typhoons, but we could still lessen its frequency and intensity, at least in theory.

But wait, let us not forget that pollution is the grandfather of the stronger typhoons, because pollution is the father of global warming! But wait again! Do not forget that the stronger typhoons have three grandfathers, that is if you count air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.

One way or the other, these three forms of pollution are contributing to the process of depleting the ozone layer, a depletion that ultimately results in the melting of the ice caps that in turn increase the ocean temperatures.

Since I have explained to you what causes the stronger typhoons, I think that it is now fair to ask what causes them? That is a valid question, but I would rather ask instead, who causes them?

The answer to that should be clear by now. We the humans are causing them. The bad news is, we are the problem.

But the good news is, we are also the solution. If we could only gather the political will to do it, we could reduce pollution in all its forms. If you now believe that global warming is real, please also believe that reducing pollution is also real.

There is no other way except to reduce pollution as much as we could. Otherwise, not only the stronger typhoons will happen, rising sea levels will happen, more forest fires will happen, droughts will happen, and famine could happen if food production will go down.

If you want to do something about this, start with your local government./PN


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