Army clarifies no more active guerilla fronts in NegOcc

BACOLOD City – The Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) has again clarified that there are no more active guerilla fronts in Negros Occidental.

Lieutenant Colonel J-jay Javines, 3ID spokesperson, said the insurgents encountered by the army last week in Northern Negros Occidental were remnants of the guerilla fronts who were previously operating in the province.

Javines also mentioned the necessity of airstrikes in their operations because they hold an advantage against the rebels.

He pointed out the approach they have taken makes the targets more precise and reduces the risk of casualties among government forces.

As of yesterday, clearing operations at the encounter site in Barangay Pinapugasan, Escalante City were ongoing.

Displaced residents have been allowed to return home over the weekend.

The clashes in Northern Negros Occidental initially took place on Feb. 21, after the army’s 79th Infantry Battalion (79IB) received information that suspected New People’s Army (NPA) rebels were extorting food and supplies from local residents.

A total of eight gun battles erupted afterwards, culminating with an airstrike from the Philippine Air Force on Thursday night, Feb. 22.

Over the weekend, the bodies of the three deceased rebels, later identified as Emaren Pastidio, Michael Cabahug and Jose Caramihan, were retrieved from the encounter site and turned over to village officials for proper burial.

Authorities also recovered weapons and explosives from the rebels, which were promptly turned over to the police. (Watchmen Daily Journal)/PN


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