Beyond ‘copycat’


POLITICS in this country is normally just for the rich and powerful. In Negros Occidental, most of the incumbents now are “landed” (hacienderos) or wealthy businessmen. But the Nicors of La Castellana town, perhaps, are the exemption to this norm.

Mayor Rhumyla Nicor-Mangilimutan, or Mayor Mhai to many, is the daughter of former mayor Alberto “Bordig” Nicor. The Nicors are neither rich nor landed. But believe it or not, Bordig’s exceptional brand of public service catapulted the entire family to power. What an extra ordinary story to tell really.

Bordig (when mayor) outdid the traditional looks of a chief executive – prim and proper. Not even an eloquent speaker, but candid in thoughts. A real “mangunguma” (farmer) in physical attributes.

So what made him a “stand-out” among Negros’ politicos?

Two things: purest heart and sincerest intention to serve – no less, no more! And such made Bordig truly a “rare breed” in local politics beyond imitation.

Growing up in a poor farming community in Barangay Manghanoy, politics was really out of Bordig’s orb of imagination. He neither craved for it nor dreamed for such. But his being candid and “maalwan” (generous) endeared him to people. In the ‘80s, what they called as “taong- kweba” or people in the remotest sitios in La Castellana urged him to run for kagawad in their barangay. He won and performed well.

Starting then, luck (really) sided with him until he became town councilor, vice mayor and eventually as mayor – undefeated.

He concluded his reign in 2016 with remarkable achievements through distinct yet exemplary brand of public service no one can emulate still. Such was considered as Bordig’s precious gift from heaven, treating it now as his “buena pamana” (great inheritance) to his four children who are also into public service.

Mayor Mhai, his unica hija, is the sitting mayor while sons Anejo and White are town councilors and Beer is a barangay kagawad.  

 Bordig’s wife, Noeme, was also a village chief and president of the Liga ng mga Barangay in La Castellana prior to her sudden demise due to COVID-19 in October last year.


I took time to sit down with Mayor Mhai and candidly asked her what made her Tatay Bordig unique.

In such a “crunchy” conversation, the lady mayor recalled everything since she was a child.

And here are some of Bordig’s “peerless” assets (in Hiligaynon) truly beyond “copycat”.

* Bisan amo-amo na lang nga bugas sa taragbasan, sukbon pa kag ihatag sa tawo nga mangayo bulig.

* Bisan dukot sang tinig-ang, sukaron gid para lang mapa-kaon ang gulpi nag-abot nga bisita halin sa bukid.

* Bisan ding-ding nga plywood sang ila balay kakasun n’ya kag ipa-himo lungon sa pigado nga napatyan.

* Bisan diin lang, pwede mo siya mapalapitan kag pangayu-an.

* Bisan ahaw-ahaw na lamang nga P10 ukon P20 ang unod sang bulsa, ihatag n’ya sa tawo nga mangayu bulig sa iya.

* Mag piyesta sa banwa, tanan nga taga-bukid kag taga-uma, gina-amoma, ginapaka-on kag ginapabalunan pa sang linuto nga pagka-on.

* Kon wala drayber ang ambulansya, siya pa ang maga-maneho dul-ong-sugat sang pasyente sa ospital bisan pa nga mayor na s’ya.

* May papirmahan ka, bisan diin, dal-on mo sa iya, pirmahan n’ya.

* Kon pigado ang namatyan, libre na ang lungon, embalsamasyon, serbis sa lubong, pati pamahaw sang mga manug-kumpanyar.

* Labaw sa tanan, wala naga-panumboy, wala naga-kurisong, wala kaakigon, pirme lang gid naga-yuhom.

Yes, that’s Bordig in real life – a man also known for his mantra: “Never say no to everyone!”

His “No Appointment Policy” when he was mayor was also a click. He’s always amenable to meet everybody even at night. And their house is open 24/7 to anyone who seeks immediate assistance.  

Thus, Mayor Mhai says, “Tatay Bordig always reminds us (from time to time) to serve the people well without expecting any return.”

Kag indi gid magkumod, indi magpanumboy kag indi mang-away. Sa baylo, yuhom lang gid pirme.


Bordig’s legacy, however, ain’t complete without mentioning his remarkable scholarship program – one scholar per household.

Bordig sees to it that in every poor family in town, there must be one scholar.

Even public school teachers can also avail of his scholarship program if they want to level-up – either master’s or doctoral study.

To make it sustainable ‘till forever, in 2014, two years before he finished his third and final term as mayor, he institutionalized such through an ordinance.

As a result, Bordig, confides Mayor Mhai, is so happy now to see that lots of his former scholars are “leading and shining” in their chosen fields of endeavor.

“Even in our family, Tatay (really) wanted the four of us to finish college no matter what happens. And we never failed him.”


Bangud indi gid siya gusto nga ang iya kapaslawan sa patag sang edukasyon, masulit pa gid sa amon.

But confesses Mayor Mhai, “We fulfilled Tatay’s fervent wish for us to finish college because aku-on ko nga nasakitan ako makabati nga ginatawag siya sang iban nga gago.”

Thus, the “gift of education” really matters to us, enunciates Mayor Mhai.

Now that she’s in the helm, her formidable plan is to realize Bordig’s ultimate dream: a community college in La Castellana.

“God willing, it’ll be realized soonest!” she bares.

“Yes, it’s Tatay’s promise to the people of La Castellana. He wants our town to produce more professionals.”

Reveals Mayor Mhai, preparations are now underway after the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) already gave its nod for this plan.


Moreover, Bordig is also a “great negotiator”. He can talk to those who were “misled” and facilitate their immediate return to the government’s fold.

The “Puso Massacre” in Barangay Puso, La Castellana on Jan. 27, 2013 really broke his heart. Such killed nine people (eight civilians and a policeman). It challenged Bordig to keep La Castellana “at peace” from then on.

Previously, La Castellana was also a “hot bed” of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP)-related violence. But it is as if Mayor Bordig did a “magic” to gradually solve the problem.

Now, La Castellana is one of the model LGUs (local government units) in the country in successful CARP implementation, per the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) and Task Force Mapalad (TFM).

With the continued aid and support from the municipal government, CARP beneficiaries there formed various groups or cooperatives and engaged in various sustainable livelihood programs and projects focusing on coffee, cassava and banana produce.

Certainly, Bordig is among the “legends” in Negros politics.  He anchored public service not on money but on a genuine heart.  He showcased a one-of-kind public service, really “out of the box”./PN


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