IS MY iPhone listening to me?
This is about surveillance conspiracy theories.
This is about me and penis enlargement ads coming uninvited on my phone.
So, yeah. I’ve read about how social media algorithms decide what to feed us day in and day out as we engage online.
I’ve watched the documentaries.
I’ve seen how if you follow Fox News (which I identify as Republican propaganda), you will be fed with Republican contents.
Or if you follow CCN (which I identify as Democrat propaganda), you will be fed with Democratic contents.
There was a time when I heard that ABS-CBN was “dilawan”, and GMA Network was “pulahan”.
But I don’t comment on such things.
If it were true, I still would leave it for the people to decide.
I will not argue what I feel is true about these matters.
I mean, for what?
Will my life be better if I prove people wrong?
Or if I make them feel so foolish, just because I am smarter?
So, anyway, I’m rather insulted that I am constantly barraged and harassed by these ads and promotions.
First, it was the dating sites for silver people.
Like, people my age.
Fifty and above.
I thought it was cool.
But I didn’t try it.
Because back then, I was seeing a cute Ukrainian boy.
And we were happy.
Or, at least, mutually satisfied.
I was tempted to say, I was dating a cute Ukrainian.
But maybe, dating was just on my mind.
Maybe for him, it was just having fun.
So, why ruin things with labels, eh?
Then, came the ED ads.
ED for Erectile Dysfunction.
Just because I’m over 50? Eff off!
I still occasionally get them ads, but because I ignore most of them, they’re getting less and less.
So, anyway, the latest rounds of ads are about penile enlargement.
As if I needed it!
As I’ve told my fans online, I’m only gay, but not jutz!
I’ve always been vocal about my proud member.
Asserting that I don’t plan to lose it.
So I always use it (because I kind of fear the truth in “use it before you lose it”).
I mean, I believe in muscle atrophy even if the penis is not really a muscle.
OK, to be technically correct about it, I meant that I believe in atrophy for organs that are not frequently used.
It’s related to the word ‘degeneration’.
To be honest, if I go any bigger, my boyfriends and boy toys would die.
Not necessarily of choking.
But you get the idea.
So, I’m good with what I have for now, thank you very much.
Still, I wonder how in the world social media is doing all this personal information sharing and selling to business companies.
It’s kind of shocking really when Amazon anticipates and makes recommendations on what I should order and buy next.
My sister-in-law and I were once talking about my need for a phone upgrade, and within 24 hours, we both were flooded with ads for iPhones, airbuds, phone casing, et cetera, and even data plans from phone companies!
At another time, we talked about the stain on the toilet bowl, and we also got ads for golden toilet bowls, bowl cleaners, stain and mold removers, and so on!
Of course, Amazon’s virtual assistant AI, Alexa, was also listening to our kitchen conversation.
So, wait.
Did I get all these penis enlargement ads (pills, pumps, lotions, ointments, diet, gadgets, machines, surgery) because I let my friend (and boitoi du jour) use my phone to look for, and watch, “big dicks” videos on Pornhub?
Hello, Pornhub. Are you listening?/PN