Blackholes between mind and muscle, 7

(January 2025 edition)

TO PUT IT in another way, let’s examine self-awareness. It is an unexplained phenomenon that occurs only in creatures that have large brains.

I opine that these brains have to be large enough to host self-aware MINDs for self-awareness’ to exist, so as to be able to host in turn large areas of coordinating electrochemical patterns that cause the emergent phenomenon of the MIND to occur.

In my opinion such electrochemical patterns have to be able to communicate especially fast. In other words, for the component neurons and electrochemical signals to form the emergent integrated whole that is the self-aware MIND, they have to integrate their communications nearly instantaneously.

Now here’s a catch. The larger the brain and the areas for such coordinating electrochemical signals to occur, the slower it would take for a signal to travel around the activated areas. I’ve already opined that for such a powerful phenomenon as self-awareness to occur, the coordinating areas of the brain must be communicating with each other very fast. If these communications are occurring not only fast but instantaneously, one solution is that these communications are occurring non-locally in the physical sense.

In brief, it involves the collapse of quantum pilot waves of entangled neurons, and signals. This would allow the emergent phenomenon that is the self-aware MIND to communicate with each and all of its components instantaneously, which strangely enough is a requirement (communicate with each and all of its components instantaneously) for the MIND to emerge in the first place.

How did this exactly happen if true? Another blackhole?

In any case, this opens a can of imaginative or perhaps imaginary rice flakes. For instance, one can imagine a super MIND somewhere out of our brains but entangled with it as the source of the initial pilot wave collapses.

Are human MINDs entangled with each other? Are human MINDs entangled with other sentient MINDs in the Universe (or Multiverse if there such a thing)?

Back to the mundane.


I can conceive of an experiment that monitors the electrochemical activities of the cerebral cortex as a whole, and with emphasis on the particular part of the motor cortex in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe; and the somesthetic cortex of interest (the somesthetic cortex is a part of the postcentral gyrus on the parietal lobe). If you find these incomprehensible, just know that certain parts of the brain have to be monitored closely and accurately.

Other experiments could be done for other muscle groups, specific muscles, and volitional speech (in the latter, one must monitor the brain’s speech center, the Broca’s area in the temporal lobe)./PN


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