Bonifacio: the man and hero

(We yield this space to excerpts from an article produced by the National Historical Commission of the Philippines on Andres Bonifacio due to its timeliness. – Ed.)

ANDRES Bonifacio was barely 14 years old when they were orphaned.  Without any hesitation, he assumed the responsibility of raising his younger siblings. To meet the daily needs of their family, he engaged in making and peddling of paper fans and wooden canes. Despite the fact that he cannot afford a formal education for himself, it did not prevent him from seeking knowledge by reading during his free time.

This episode in Bonifacio’s life was not uncommon, since there were several Filipino children orphaned at young age. What was uncommon about him was having the optimistic attitude and strong sense of responsibility after the death of their parents.  Instead of crying over spilled milk, he rose on his feet and worked hard to raise his younger brothers and sisters.  This proved that being responsible cannot be quantified by one’s age; it is a matter of learning how to act, rationalize and decide correctly despite overwhelming burdens and pressures.

Bonifacio had shown high regard for education and despite his meager status he engaged in reading books written in Tagalog and Spanish.  Filipinos should realize that event at present, a commendable reading habit is very important in enriching minds and in making oneself productive and competent.

While working as clerk for Fleming and Company, Bonifacio also worked as poster-maker to augment his income. In the early phase of 1896, he shifted to another English company known as Fressels Company where he worked as an agent.

If Filipino workers would maintain the dignity of their works just like Bonifacio, both private and public services will definitely be delivered efficiently and effectively.  If  workers are more time-oriented and hard-working, the development and progress of the Philippines will not be impossible, for time is not wasted merely for standing, gossiping and image-building but more on directing services and fulfillment of duties for the betterment of  the society.

Just like any other Indio of his time, Bonifacio felt the social malaise as a result of oppressive Spanish colonial administration.  To make fellow Filipinos aware of the real condition of the country, he sold revolutionary leaflets near the University of Santo Tomas.  He also joined the La Liga Filipina when it was founded by Jose Rizal on July 3, 1892. Unfortunately, the Liga Filipina died down after the imprisonment of Rizal in Dapitan.  Bonifacio founded the Katipunan on July 7, 1892 in an aim to gain independence from Spain.  Through the said act, Bonifacio actively responded to the call of the time to make a change.


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