Boracay population balloons to over 37K

The population of Boracay Island increased – from 32,267 in 2015 to 37,802 in 2020, the 2020 Census of Population and Housing.
The population of Boracay Island increased – from 32,267 in 2015 to 37,802 in 2020, the 2020 Census of Population and Housing.

BORACAY – The combined population of three barangays in this world-famous island has surpassed the population count in the Aklan municipalities of Lezo and Madalag.

Barangays of Manocmanoc, Balabag and Yapak have a combined population of 37,802, prompted by domestic inbound migration for economic opportunities.

Manocmanoc is the most populous at 20,504 residents, followed by Balabag (10,282) and Yapak (7,016), based on 2020 Census of Population and Housing.

The population of Boracay Island increased – from 32,267 in 2015 to 37,802 in 2020.  

Lezo is the smallest municipality in Aklan in terms of population size (15,639) followed by Madalag (18,890) for a combined population of 34,529.

Aside from Manocmanoc and Balabag, there are three barangays in Kalibo with the biggest population in 2020 – Andagaw (15,404), Poblacion (12,000) and New Buswang (11,382).

The least populated barangay in Aklan is Capataga in the town of Malinao with 53 residents, followed by Barangay Tamokoe, Tangalan with 133 persons.

Five other barangays posted a population size of less than 300. These are Rivera, Ibajay (201), Cabugao, Ibajay (266), San Isidro, Banga (266), Malindog, Ibajay (284) and Napatag, Tangalan (288).

Of the 17 Aklan towns, the largest in terms of population is Kalibo with 89,127 followed by Malay with 60,777.

Also in the top 10 populous towns in Aklan were Ibajay with 52,364 persons; New Washington (47,955), Nabas (40,632), Banga (40,318), Numancia (35,693), Batan (33,484), Balete (30,090) and Makato with 29,717 persons.

Libacao had 28,272 persons living in 24 barangays, followed by Altavas (25,639), Malinao (24,517), Tangalan (23,704) and Buruanga with 19,357 persons.  

Overall, the population of the province of Aklan was 615,475 in 2020 compared to 574,823 in August 2015 population survey./PN


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