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I WROTE this piece when I was still single. I became fascinated with Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. I want to share this article because I want people to be inspired. I want them to be thankful and contented of themselves although at the end of the day, individual choices still matter. I just wish that his piece of literature will make readers grateful of the gift of life that God bestowed unto them.


Are you tired of being human? Why not try being a vampire?

Vampires are creatures that suck blood, at least for Europeans. In the Philippines we are more familiar with the aswang and manananggal.

The aswang is pictured as a beautiful woman during the day and an ugly creature during the night. It feeds on human flesh and internal organs.

The manananggal is similar to the aswang but it transforms; the upper body separate from the lower bodies. The manananggal can also fly.

Vampires, on the other hand, are described as god-like and possess immeasurable powers. I am amazed at the possibility that vampires can actually live with humans and can even fall in love with them – just like Bella and Edward in the Twilight Saga.

In Twilight, vampires are just like humans and they are not pictured out as evil. The fiction actually broke my beliefs that vampires drink only blood. In the case of the Cullen family, they are satisfied with animal blood. According to Edward, “…it’s like living with tofu, keeps you full but you are never satisfied…”

Vampires are depicted as capable of sacrifice in attempts to coexist with humans. They are not monsters and want to be “normal” just like any other human being.

One reason I want to be a vampire is because I want to be extraordinarily beautiful. I want to experience what it’s like to be a head turner.

I also want to have the vampires’ special powers. I want to read people’s minds, especially those who have bad intentions so I can report them to the proper authorities.

I want to have super strength so I can help those in need, especially during typhoons.

I want the immortality, too, that vampires have. I am afraid to die. I have apprehensions of what the other life has to offer. I can maintain my beauty and I can continue to help other people (without biting them – hehehe).

But being a vampire may not be as easy as it seems. The super strength and other powers may be difficult to control. I may end up hurting my family.

I do not want to be a vampire because I do not want to hurt my family. I am close to my family. I do not want to cause them any harm.

If I become thirsty, I might hurt the members of the family if I can’t control myself. I may not have Edward’s self-control.

Another thing that prevents me from complete vampire-hood is the idea of drinking blood. I want to eat my favorite food such as spaghetti, cheeseburger and mom’s home-cooked meals.
If I defy the vampire’s code of conduct, I maybe burned.

Also, I want to have kids. I like babies. In fact, if given a chance to have a child of my own in the near future, I would not want my kid to grow up. I would want my child to remain a baby.

Despite my fascination with the vampires of Twilight Saga, I know I do not want to be a vampire. I want to be a normal human being. I just want to be myself. I may not be extraordinarily beautiful but my other half and my family makes me feel as if I am a super model.

I may not have super powers but I can help my fellow humans in a lot of ways. If a typhoon comes and I can’t save them all but I can always invite them to my house to stay there for a while. I can share my clothes, food and time with them.

I cannot be immortal but I know I will appreciate life when I die. Ironic isn’t? Dying is the best and only way to cross the borders between human life and eternal life.

Yes, I admit I am scared to die but everyone has to die anyway. If I become immortal, I will be the only one left and it would be very lonely.

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a vampire, even for just a day? Well, it has its ups and downs. I came to realize that despite the advantages of being a vampire, I would not trade it for being human.

I am happy being myself. However if one day there’s a chance to be one, I guess I would try. But only for a day./PN



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