Can’t do attitude

WHAT I like about America is the can-do attitude of the people in the US.

Like everything is possible there.

Like they can build spacecrafts that can reach the moon.

Like they have people who can dive down to the sunken Titanic.

Or even make a movie like “Titanic” and “Avatar”.


There is no question that Filipinos are artistic and creative.

They have great talent that, if raised to the level of skill, could produce outstanding art.

But only about 0.05% of the so-called “artistic” and “talented” really have the heart to pursue their art.

The number that I assigned is arbitrary; but it could be much less. Haha!


Modern Filipinos give up so easily on things that really matter.

Nobody believes in “forever” anymore.

Nobody believes in yearlong, or even monthlong, courtships anymore.

Or, it could just be me.

Me, projecting my moving on fast attitude.


Still, I do not believe that Filipinos have the can do attitude to achieve great things.

There is perhaps 0.05% exception, maybe a little more.

But just a little.

Most of the time, Filipinos settle for “puede na”.

Why choose an honest leader if you can choose unity? Haha.


Filipinos settle for quick remedies because they are lazy to use their talent to achieve greatness.

Greatness is a myth in this country.

The Philippines will never be great again.

Maybe it never was.


Maybe the idea that it was ever great was just revised, distorted history. 

A fantasy sold, and bought, as fact.

But the truth is, the Filipino is f*cked.

Up in the ass.

In other words, “nabudol”. Haha!


Oh, I am definitely talking about my treehouse construction.

How things go south if the workers are not supervised.

When people are so used to houses on the ground that are not taller than 10 feet, they are lost when you try to build a treehouse that’s two-story, and totals 35 feet from the ground.


Since coming home in August, I have heard a lot of “it cannot be done”, “we do not do it that way”, “what will the neighbors say?”.

So I continue to defy expectations.

I run the streets naked in the rain.

I dress in flimsy diaphanous clothes.

I run long distances in heat and rain.


My treehouse construction is slow.

I am at the mercy of carpenters who are also farmers.

They request to be off work every so often due to the seasonal job at the farm.

They think that my house can wait; the harvest can’t.

Well, I try to understand poor farmers.

They got to do what they got to do.


I will not be a better person to insist on my house if the ripe rice grains are threatened by tropical depressions.

I will not be a better person if I demand to shorten the workers’ coffee break.

I got to be honest: I find the heat in the Philippines very exhausting, very draining.

That’s why I tell my carpenters, start work early, work well, take long noon breaks, end work late.


I mean, if they report to work at 6:30am, they can take a break from 10:30am to 3:30pm, and work again from 3:30-6:30pm.

But no, they report at 8:30, take a break at 11:30, go back to work at 1pm, and go home by 5pm.

Oh, refreshment break at 4:00pm! Haha.

Because who else wants to go back to work after a snack?


My carpenters are spoiled.

In the shortage of Coke, the coca-cola, they drink Mountain Dew.

Or C2 bottled ice tea!

And because I have an open credit at the nearby sari-sari store (which I pay at the end of the day when the take outs are totaled), credits they make. Haha.

Let’s just say that I spend an additional 30% of their daily salary for their refreshment; and that’s a very conservative estimate.


This much I can say: Filipinos love to eat; to work, no!

The bystanders have this philosophy: Why work, if they have 4Ps?


I think that I would like to normalize this idea: The poor Filipinos have a talent for sabotaging themselves.  

Everybody likes to be f*cked.

But poor Filipinos like to take it up their asses.



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